2.5 Spell Rework

Sorry for my wording on my previous post.
I did realize spells don’t have individual levels in 2.5 so what I should have asked are the screenshots of the spells from 2.5 from a level 45 spell book.
And when I said “received glyphs” I did mean that you received them and they were automatically applied to your spellbook. But thanks for explaining.

Thanks for the spell book upgrade table it’s nice to see the details.

The compensation to determine a spell book level is tricky. With multiple good examples the community could probably work out how everything is applied but I realize it is difficult to actually give good examples as well!

In your above example with mythic spell and three common spells going to only level 33 is a little concerning. But I did wonder if because three of the spells were common when the resources were applied to the heroes spell book you actually ran out of shards or gold to go any higher in your spellbook? Or if you had some rare/epic spells instead of common would it have gone to level 40? I found myself wondering if you got a compensation mail with the glyphs from the mythic spell? But you might not be able to even determine this if the compensation mail is one big mail.

Anyway looking forward to us one day understanding the finer points of this.

Also looking at the 100’s of glyphs required to get 7 spellbooks to level 50 I do hope we get how evolution glyphs back from the non hero class spells.

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Thanks a lot for trying to help us understand how the transition will work. I believe there is only one more question I need to be answered before completely getting it.

Our main issue have been spell glyphs. According to your explanation they won’t be counted as leveling up resources. Therefore, unless we have a +45 level class spell we shouldn’t be able to get a spellbook above lvl 35… But it seems this assumption is wrong, isn’t it?

Let’s take kafka’s example. 3 lvl 45 class spells, 1 lvl 35 class spell, 1 lvl 30 class spell and 1 lvl 15 class spell. If I calculate the resources that would be applied into the spellbook I get 51,588 gold, 37,444 shards and 0 spell glyphs. Taking into account that:

  • lvl 45 requires 49,680 gold and lvl 46 requires 51888 gold.
  • lvl 43 requires 35,040 shards and lvl 44 requires 37,728 shards.

Kafka got directly to level 45 (there may have been further class spells that we didn’t see). However, for that also 23 spell glyphs would have been required. Therefore, I can only assume that either you get the level corresponding to the highest level you can get from any of the three necessary resources, or that spell glyphs are not taken into account.

So here is what you have what I hope it is my final question to fully understand the transition process:
For each class, after applying “the resources that would’ve been required for the copy of the highest Level” into the Spellbook, what resource will decide its level?
a) Always gold (in the previous example lvl 45)
b) Always shards (in the previous example lvl 43)
c) The resource that gives the highest spellbook level (in the previous example lvl 45)
d) The non spell glyph resource that gives the lowest spellbook level (in the previous example lvl 43)
e) The resource that give the lowest spellbook level (in the previous example lvl 35, but this wouldn’t explain how you and Kafka got spellbook higher than lvl 35)

I hope you can answer this question. Thank you very much for your work and help.

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Sorry, but another questions popped out :sweat_smile:

Does this means that for a lvl 50 hero the max possible spellbook level is it’s highest level class spell? For example, my calculations says that my warlock should get enough resources to get a lvl 50 spellbook. However, its highest level class spell is lvl 45. Would I get a lvl 45 or lvl 50 spellbook?

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I really appreciate your reply. It helped shed light on the matter. Thank you!

Regarding the examples, if getting the data of one’s account from 2.4 and importing it to 2.5 is easy process, then doing it for someone here would help us understand the process best.

And just in case it is easy to do, here is my data:

Class Class Spells
Warlock lvl 50 1 Abyssal Channel - Legendary, lvl 1
1 Burning Darkness - Epic, lvl 35
2 Call the Deep Ones - both epic and lvl 25
1 Daemonic Grasp - Epic, lvl 25
1 Dark Firebolt - Legendary, lvl 45
1 Eldritch Blast - Mythic, lvl 50
1 Hellfire Gate - Epic, lvl 25
1 Imp Raid - Epic, lvl 35
1 Imp Raid - Rare, lvl 1
1 Pestilent Imps - Epic, lvl 25
1 Sacrificial Pawns - Epic, lvl 35
1 Tentacle Slap - Legendary, lvl 45
=== ===
Mercenary lvl 50 To be updated with the rest of the classes when I have the time later today. Let me know if such data import is not so easy to do, and filling in the rest of the information would be waste of time

Current resources:

  • Gold - 53533
  • Spell shards - 3153
  • Spell glyphs - 8


Then from your end we would need the following information in order to be able to compare and understand:

  • spellbook level for each class
  • the amount of the three resources above in 2.5

It would be great if they are able to do so, a perfect detailed example would give as all the information we need.

According to my understanding of the rules, the second copies of call of the deep ones and imp raid would be salvaged. Then, the rest would be converted into the resources needed to get them to such levels (you can check it trying to level up a lvl 1 spell to any of those levels, only count gold and spell shards since the rest are evolving resources except for the lvl 50 one). That would mean a total of 78300 gold, 52120 spell shards and 10 spell glyphs would be applied to the spellbook.

This is when I need my previous question answered to know exactly what would happen, since the end spellbook level depends on which of those resources is counted:
a) Gold → lvl 50 spellbook (it requires a total of 61k gold)
b) Spell shards → lvl 48 spellbook (it requires a total of 49440 shards, while next level requires 52608)
c) The resource that gives the highest spellbook level → lvl 50 spellbook
d) The non-spell glyph resource that gives the lowest spellbook level → lvl 48 spellbook
e) The resource that gives the lowest spellbook level → lvl 41 (it requires 8 spell glyphs while next level requires 11 spell glyphs).

My bet is that you would get a lvl 48 spellbook, but there is too much info missing yet to know it for sure. I hope Jeto can help us getting that to fully understand the transition and be prepared for what it is going to come.

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About the spell glyphs from spell rarity being included or not in the compensation, imagine next scenario:

A player has all five channel spells at lvl 45 legendary: they create 7 gems and have 95% chance of freeze/burn… For this they have spend 10 spell glyphs. However, all their class spells are at lvl 25. Then that would mean that they would get all lvl 25 spellbooks and not a single glyph back. Sure, the legendary spells keep being legendary, but that is only half of their effect (create 7 color gems). The other half, the debuffing effect that currently is tied to spell level and that after 2.5 is tied to spell book level would have been decreased from 95% to 75%! And getting it back in a single class would require leveling up that class’ spellbook to lvl 45… Meaning 23 spell glyphs! I am sure you understand how frustrating would be for that player to have such a setback.

Currently spell glyphs are needed both for the legendary rarity but also for the 35 → 45 level increase. If only the rarity is kept, then we are losing half of the glyphs value in the transition! So not refunding them because “they are only needed for rarity” would mean to reduce in half the value of the spell glyphs we have already spent.

Another related point, currently we can get a 4 lvl 45 spell build at a price of 8 spell glyphs. But after 2.5 getting to level 45 spellbook requires 23 spell glyphs. Any player who has lvl 45 spells and doesn’t get high level spellbook will be reasonably hindered.

So I really ask of you, please make sure that the transition won’t be hurting anyone’s progress. We are not asking to be given hundreds of glyphs, or getting all lvl 50 spellbooks. We just want the transition to keep us in at least a similar position to what we have right now. And for me that means that for every 4 lvl 45 spells a player has, they should be getting at least 1 lvl 45 spellbook.

That is why I find it so important to be able to know how the transition fully works, so that we can estimate how it will affect us and then see if the changes are reasonable or not. And in the case that further compensation is needed, having time to prepare it. Otherwise, if the transition is not well compensated the day of the update we will probably have a huge uproar here.


I don’t think I understood a word of this…and then I just got exhausted and stopped scrolling and reading. Looks interesting though.

Presumably there is some answer in here about the effect the update will have on a level 50 spell, but I couldn’t find it and couldn’t be arsed any further to look for it. I guess imma just learn by doing and see how it all shakes out.

I was wondering the same thing.
The reason is, while I have several non-class spells on level 45 legendary (one even level 45 mythic), the class spells are way lower.
My necro has 2 mythic and 4 legendary level 45 spells, the shaman and warlock 2 legendary level 45 spells, but the other classes have none. All my other spells are level 35 epic.

So it is really important to know, how one or two legendaries will impact the class spellbook level.
Presumably the update will come in two weeks, after the season’s end. There is not much time to farming resources, especially spell glyphs. I try create spells with Xione, and keep the legendaries. But this cannot be done with all the classes at one, because Dungeons and Xione drops for current class only.

There was some talk about Adventures that give more reward if played with specific classes. And there is PVP too. Some like to play with different classes.

It would be nice to know about the impact of our current situation for the future gameplay.

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Got some updates:


  • Non-Hero Class spells:
    • We will now also be sending back the Spell Glyphs spent on increasing non-hero class spells rarity, we will also be sending back the T3 and T4 relics spent.
  • Hero Class spells:
    • We will also now be sending back the Glyphs and T3 & T4 relics spent to increase their rarity

For example, a Legendary spell would get 3 Legendary relics (T3) and 2 Spell Glyphs back, and a Mythic Spell would get 6 Spell Glyphs, 3 T3 relics and 4 T4 relics back.

Spell Pages

Where previously you received 1 spell as a reward of X rarity, should you receive that spell in 2.5 it would now be the following amount of pages

  • Common = 1 Page
  • Uncommon = 10 Pages
  • Rare = 50 Pages
  • Epic = 250 Pages
  • Legendary = 1250 Pages

A quick note: to those who have offered their account data to check how the transition would work, it is not possible for me to copy your data to run it through the update. It’s something the team and I had been looking into before the new year, but were not able to do so without causing issues. It is something we are looking into for the future for running potential small BETA’s but at this stage - that is a work in progress!


So if we legendary/mythic our spells for the new chapter in order to get coins from the goals, we got those resources back? Might be a good idea to just give everyone those coins as freebies for the spell goals, since so many people will be confused if they haven’t read this topic and even if they have read the topic some will probably still be confused as well, you know?

Are ou referring to Harpoon Shot and Boarding Party in the current Season?

All 4 actually. I managed to mythic Keelhaul and legendary Boarding Party, was going to legendary Harpoon Shot too, but the spell changes kind of worry/confuse me on if I should?

Is the concern changes to the damage they deal? Or just the spending of resources to upgrade them?

Cos they will be the same rarity in 2.5 and in my experience, my spells have dealt more damage in 2.5 compared to 2.4 as I showed above.

Also, as they are non-hero class spells you will get back both the levelling resources and the rarity resources back.

You will not get back the resources to purchase a Spell if it was from the Shop or a cache.

So if I buy the spell for coin and level it up, I don’t get back resources? But if its the 2 season spells in chests, I do?

Any spell you own in the change over will get the comp mentioned above - no matter where it’s from.

I just wanted to point out that if you have purchased a spell, you don’t get the purchase cost back. Like if you purchase a Season spell for 200 Seasonal currency, you won’t get back the 200 Seasonal currency.

You will get back the resources spent to upgrade it.

I think you misunderstand me. I mean the goal rewards. So if I legendary 3 spells I get 225 season coins and then get my resources back when the patch hits and keep my coins. I would do the mythic 2 spells too, but I’ve already spent my relics on other things.

We aren’t touching Goal rewards or your Seasonal Currency.

What I’m saying is now you can just mythic 2 spells and legendary 3 spells and get all your resources back, plus 525 free coins. (225 for 3 unique spells at legendary and 2 unique spells at mythic). Course if you already spent some of your relics elsewhere you won’t which is really annoying.

I’m not sure I follow sorry, as in, I’m not sure which part is the concern?

Achieving a Goal for completing something within PQ3 is just a bonus reward. You are still getting those Spells up to that rarity, so you have completed the Goal.
Just because we are giving you back the resources for upgrading the Spell, doesn’t take away from you owning that spell at that rarity - as you still have the spell.

@Jeto could you make this clearer, please.
We only get spell pages in 2.5 right, not spells ? So this description is not clear ?