2.5 Spell Rework

You can still get a new Spell, but rather than just 1 Spell you will get a quantity of pages. So yes, they are now just Spell pages :sparkles: New Epic Spell from a chest > then you would get 250 pages of that spell (in my understanding).

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Hi Jeto. So basically only thing we get compensated via mail for is duplicate spells, correct? obviously 2 of the 2.4 season spells are purchased in the rewards shop and can’t be duplicated in dungeon like the other 2 can. Coins are not effected in any way

The compensation is for all spells, duplicates will just be salvaged & those resources will also be sent to you.

so 2.4 spells also???

Haha not sure how much more I can write… all spells will have some form of compensation, as described above:

Non-hero Class spells:

  • Spell Glyphs and T3 & T4 relics spent on increasing non-hero class spells rarity
  • All levelling resources

Hero Class spells:

  • Spell Glyphs and T3 & T4 relics spent to increase their rarity

ANY spell duplicates will be salvaged and resources sent back.

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Ok just clarifying. Above you said 2.4 won’t be touched. :grin:

This is not mentioning Spells?

Ok, great. It’s all confusing for most. Appreciate your patience and fast response

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@Jeto one question from me. All gears and minions (crafted and looted) have a chance to appear with bonus levels. Sometimes we also get them with fixed bonus levels (such as those come from seasonal cache).
Will this apply to spell pages in 2.5? (In the form of extra pages dropped)

Ok, clear. Thank you. On all the other questions regarding the levelling up of the spell book, will you be giving any clearer answers.
Like do we need a level 50 spell to get a 50 spell book ? Or if the resources itself are enough, we shall get a 50 book ? etc. etc.

I should add a big thank you for the new compensation decisions. Especially spell glyphs being returned, that were used for rarity increases.

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I know Xione is getting new abilities, but is she still going to keep her current ability of crafting spells as well?

Crafting spell page in 2.5 is equal to crafting spell in 2.4, if all preview info are correct.

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Pretty sure its 2 separate abilities…

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I don’t believe there are any bonus pages @Hagane

@KenpoKid69 Xione will craft random spell pages instead of a spell, as described in the original blog - they will be any Spell pages available in chests. They are not limited to Spells you already own - which Hagane has already jumped on before I got to reply

@jose your Spellbook level is based on the resources from your hero class spells, as mentioned before having one Mythic spell is not going to get you a Level 50 (mythic) spellbook because that’s not enough resources to progress through the Spellbook levels.
I currently do not have an example to show like, how many of X rarity spell do you need to get X level of spellbook.


Is there any news on how Seasonal Store Spell Page purchase rates are going to be handled yet?

@Lyrian that is still being discussed! Seems like there is more information to come.

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Ok, thanks. Can you give us a breakdown of all her abilities? Looks like she has at least 3?

It’s within the blog…

^ Jump in here for the info! :sparkles:


On duplicates you mean the ‘salvage’ mechanism, right? Not the full return of resources?
Meaning: if Xione makes me today a level 1 legendary spell duplicate, and I level it to 45, will I get 10000+ shards (as the full levelling cost) or just 1061-1109 as the salvage window says?

Also you say extra spell pages are based on current rarity, not level.
So my extras needn’t to be levelled, because I will loose resources that way, right?

BTW the glyph and relic compensation is a wonderful thing, it will calm down the mood a bit. Thank you.

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