2.5 Spell Rework

Hi Jeto. Your first post of today (Monday) explained everything I have been still wanting to know. The compensation seems appropriate too.

I’m now looking forward to receiving the 2.5 update. Hopefully with no bugs :smiley:


Thank you very much, that eases both of my main concern.

  • Whatever the exact way spellbook starting level is calculated, we won’t be getting any setback.
  • Getting spell pages should be easy enough

Now I am really looking forward to the update again. Thanks again for hearing us out, understand our concerns and trying your best to address them. No more questions from me, just a good work thumbs up :+1:

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Not easy enough IMO… But we’ll, at least it takes far less than a decade, at an acceptable rate.

Thank you for the adjustments to compensation for the spells. In particular the non-class specific spells. I’m surprised by getting the relics back, but thankful too as taking those spells I spent them on to Mythic were tough choices for me leaving a few gear pieces lagging behind.


Thx very much Jeto and Dev for the answers and the changes in compensation.
You made me lie and I am happy about it, cause I did bet you wont change the compensation rules nor any mechanic, no matter what we write or do.
But you obviously did and now I have again a bit more hope for this game to be eventually in future, after some other changes, as sucessful as it could be due to its genius basic design.
Thx a lot for that hope revival.


So I’ve got a level 50 mercenary, equipped with:

Level 35 Find Weakness
Level 45 Channel Poison
Level 45 Tangled Skulls

What will happen to the non-class spells? Will they be downgraded? Have I lost those spell glyphs?

You will be refunded them. Read Jeto’s post at around post 104 in this thread.

Thanks, there’s way too much text to sift through on here.

So with Tangled Skulls I’m losing 10% chance to lower the enemies’ power, and with Channel Poison I’m losing 10% chance to inflict poison and I’m making one green gem fewer.

I’m pretty sure I have this right now:

I’m just going to look at Channel Poison:
Easy bit to explain, You will still be making the same number of green gems as the RARITY of the spell won’t change in 2.5. It will still be legendary.
Harder bit to explain, Yes you will loose a % to inflict poison. BUT, you are getting resources from your old 2.4 spells to your account (either directly applied or in a mail) that will help you regain the lost levels. Those levels will be hero specific though, and also many spells are a bit more powerful at a given level in 2.5 although not Channel Poison.

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I’ve only got 2 legendary spells, so I’ll get refunded 4 glyphs. But, to get them back to the same level I’ll have to upgrade my spell book which will take at least 10 glyphs. So I’m still massively down.

Assuming that the level 35 is epic and the lvl 45 are legendary:

  • The spells will remain at their current rarity. Meaning that the rarity related effect will remain the same: find weakness will keep its 8% critical hit chance), channel poison will keep its 7 gem creation and tangled skills will keep its 70% chance to decrease enemies power.
  • You will receive 4 spell glyphs and 6 legendary relics back.
  • The level related effects (+60% critical hit damage bonus of find weakness, 95% chance to infict poison and the damage done by tangled skulls) will adjust to your hero’s spellbook’s level. If the spellbook’s level is 35, then find weakness will remain the same but you will lose 10% poison chance and some damage from tangled skills.

With those 4 glyphs you could get mercenary’s spellbook to lvl 39. You would lose some effect from channel poison and tangled skulls, indeed, but you would increase the effect for find weakness and any other spell used with it (effectively, it would be as if all your mercenary spell were lvl 39, even those you have now at lvl 1).

True. Those 4 glyphs will get you to level 39 spellbook for your merc. Which is a downgrade for those 2 spells. The small advantage is all your merc spells will be at level 39 and the other 2 are not stuck at level 35. In the future you will be able to farm resources for rarity increases and use any glyphs received to increase the level of your spellbook.

Tangles Skulls is a huge help to me during Kingdom Defence; now it’s going to be harder to maintain the tier we’re at.

Nobody asked for this rework, it’s going to ruin everything.

The chance of decreasing enemies power of tangled skulls will remain the same as you have now (70%) and the damage the spell does will be reduced in 12 points of damage… I fail to see how that will ruin everything.

It doesn’t, I though the % was dropping, as someone commented earlier about Channel Poison.

Each spell has 2 different effect, one related to rarity (in increases when you evolve to uncommon, rare, epic, legendary…) and one related to level (it increases when gaining levels). The rarity related effect will be kept for all your levels, meaning the numbers of gem created by poison channel and the power decreasing change of tangled skulls. The level related effect is the one that will have a slight decrease, which for channel poison is the change to poison chance and for tangled skulls is the damage it does.

If you only have 2 legendary spells, then the upgrade should be pretty beneficial for you. Lvl 35 spellbooks can be obtained only with gold and spell shards, meaning that the level related effect of all your spells will correspond to that level. So in a way, we could say that you will get ALL your spells to lvl 35. Of course it hurts that your 2 best spells will be a little bit downgraded, although the effect on tangled skulls is nearly inexistent and a reduction of 10% chance of poison shouldn’t be game breaking. But in exchange, all the spells you have now at low level will become better.

That clears things up, thanks. All of the spell I use are 35 now anyway, but I might buy some seasonal ones tonight and just leave them until the update.

I suppose this means I can get all my minions to epic now, as they’re the only things scrolls are used for.

Wrong. Scrolls will be still required for upgrading rarity.

Right now each spell has a level (the number) and a rarity (common, uncommon, rare…) and they are related (you need to reach a specific level to be able to upgrade rarity). What they are doing is separating spell level and rarity with the update.

  • Individual spell levels will disappear and be tied to each heroes spellbook level. To upgrade this you will need spell shards and gold up to lvl 35, and also spell glyphs further above.
  • Rarity will be upgraded independently of “level” and will require spell pages and scrolls.

So the “issue” of having to use scrolls both for minions and spells remain.

What’s the point of getting a Xione crystal when she’s already at level 50?

I see. Minions should have their own thing (“tablets”/“stones” etc.) so we don’t have to decide between them.