2.5 Spell Rework

Right now there is no point. But after the update we will be able to use to use the excess Xione crystals to craft spell pages for a specific spell (as we can craft inventory space spending northelm crystals, or change gear color spending soulchaser, toragon and gemka crystals). This is something that we have asked a lot, so I am happy to see that we are getting more uses for those excess crystals that right now have 0 value.

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And if I have a level 53 Find Weakness, and a level 5 Find Weakness, after the update will I have a Level 40? Or a level 36?

If you have duplicates of the same spell, the lowest rarity one will salvaged, so you will remain with the better one. After the update spells won’t have individual levels any more as now, but use the level of each heroes spellbook. I cannot say which level your spellbooks will start at, but leveling them up to lvl 35 should be easy enough. So I would count on find weakness having an equivalent effect as a lvl 35 spell after the update, and it will go up as you keep leveling up the spellbooks.

Just looking at this pic in the original post. I can see in the top left corner 90/152 spells collected. Given this I’m hoping there is some way to see the spells that are missing from a spellbook? This would be super useful for players of PQ3 and I’m really hoping you have already included it.



You cannot see the spells you don’t have in 2.5 but I can pass it along as a suggestion to add perhaps a filter to the Vaults that shows all unowned.


@Jeto Any update on when the next Chapter patch notes will drop?

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@Jeto: I have thought a lot about the changes to the spellbook and I would like to ask if you could take another suggestion to the team:

Would it be possible to bind the spellbook (and thus the spellbook level) to the class instead of the character?

Why does this matter?
Currently, the only reason to actively use multiple characters of the same class in PQ3 is the difference in GFX / SFX (male / female, cat / lizard, …) but nothing else. With the proposed change that the spellbook is bound to the character and not the class, players will be set back when trying out the other GFX/SFX model.

Will this unfair / provide unfair advantages?
I don’t think that this will create any advantage considering end-game: you do not need the 2nd character, there are no additional bonus rewards (only first-time reward is relevant) and the gender/model does not have any impact on the playstyle (it is purely cosmetic).

On the other hand, focusing on the cosmetic aspect, being able to use the second class-model may motivate people to invest into skins, as they may look quite well on a different model (for example, a skin used for the female merc might not look good on the lizard or vice versa). :slight_smile:

TL;DR: Please do consider changing this, as it does not yield any advantage but has a huge impact for people caring about cosmetics / model GFX and skins :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

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but I can pass it along as a suggestion to add perhaps a filter to the Vaults that shows all unowned.

Maybe an empty page with “where to find” works better, like how you check source of materials?
e.g. "Bought from season 2.2"“drop from dungeon in chapter VIII”.

from @Thalinae:
Would it be possible to bind the spellbook (and thus the spellbook level) to the class instead of the character?

Same thought.

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I was under the impression that spell books are per class.

Quote from the original post somewhat confirming that. It does say spell book level for that class at the end.

I was not sure because of this part:

Which I read as “after the transition from 2.4 to 2.5, each Hero has an individual Spellbook at an individual level” → they need to be leveled individually.

But I am very happy if I misinterpreted this :slight_smile:

I’ve always wondered why we don’t just have a “change sex” option in the hero management section.

So, ii I upgrade my Spirit Mask to level 45 now, all of the spells used by my Shaman after the update will be level 45?

For example, my Dispel Magic is currently @ 35, but once 2.5 drops it will be @ 45 because Spirit Mask was upgraded pre-2.5, correct?

You Also wind up making a 2nd character for a class once all your characters are level 50 in order to do the weekly order for the battle pass of gaining 3 levels a week. Once your citadel is really high, its the only way to do this order. TBH, I wish they’d just get rid of the order and do something a bit more practical, although at least this is a work around so you can actually do it every week.

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I’d just delete the character and start again each week, as the first 3 XP levels are the easiest anyway.

Not necessarily. According to the notes, the resources needed for leveling up all your shaman class spells will be applied to its spellbook and the level will depend on how many resources have been applied this way.

See this example: a single lvl 50 class spell doesn’t guarantee a lvl 50 spellbook, it depends on the level of the rest of the class spells.

Leveling up spirit mask to lvl 45 will surely contribute to a higher spellbook level, but by itself it is not enough to get to lvl 45.

But if you were to get a lvl 45 spellbook then the level-related effect of dispel magic when used with the Shaman would indeed go up from 85% drain to 95% drain.

But @Jeto said that the highest-level class spell would dictate the spellbook level?

At a maximum, not minimum, was my reading of that.

I think you will find these quotes are referring to situations where you have two heroes from the same class that are at different levels. For example if you have one hero at level 50 with a spell book of 45 and then another hero of the same class at level of 20 the spell book of the level 20 hero will be capped at level 20 but will then increase up to 45 as that hero gains levels up to 45 without you having to upgrade the spellbook in any way.

At least that is my understanding.

The highest level class spell seems to be the cap for the spellbook level, meaning that if your highest class spell is lvl 35 you won’t get a spellbook level higher than that, even if you had enough resources for that. So getting a spell to lvl 45 just means you are increasing the spellbook cap, but you will need to have enough other high level class spells to get enough resources for the spellbook to reach that level.

Ah… that might be true, I probably misread this. If it is just the level-adjustment we have with shared gear, then it is perfectly fine :slight_smile: