2.5 Spell Rework

To be honest, I still do not understand the reason behind the artificial spellbook cap using the highest class spell level. If you have enough resources to raise the spellbook and they are directly applied, the cap does not make any sense.

The spellbook should be raised as high as possible given the resources available. If the character is not 50 yet, the spellbook is “level-adjusted” automatically as the equipment is.

Why is a class spell level cap pointless?

  • if the resources are enough to raise the spellbook above the class spell level cap, the unused resources should be compensated. Once they are compensated and the player is in 2.5, the first thing will be to upgrade the spellbook to the maximum possible level given those resources. This is now possible, as there is no class spell level to cap the spellbook (no more spell levels in 2.5).

  • if the resources are enough to raise the spellbook above the class spell level cap and the resources are not refunded, then the player loses resources, which is a really bad thing.

Example: If for some reason, I like the level 35 value of class spells, but raise several to legendary (for the sake of the argument I decide not to increase any to lvl 45). Now the spellbook cap will be set to lvl 35, but the resources from multiple legendary class spells will be applied to the spellbook, which should raise the level to > lvl 35 (as the resources also include several glyphs).

Just jumping in before 2.5 releases this week - at this stage there are no changes in this update for the Season Shop/Cache exclusive spells, there are planned changes but at the earliest, they will likely be implemented in 3.0.

Should this change or I get any more detailed information, I will share.


What I will aim to do before the update - increase the rarity of my spells as much as I can. I had 100 000 spell shards, and I believe it will be easier to spend them, than to farm for dust and pages after the update.

Best decision I ever made! I had to spend over 100K spell shards and gold became an issue. I spent 20K honor in exchange for gold. I also spent 10K silver marks and 11K gold marks and a small amount of ruby and diamond marks in exchange of shards. I could have spent the shards more efficiently and have more spells at epic, but it is what it is.

End result: all class spells at epic or above. With the 8 glyphs I had, I turned 4 into legendary. With dust and spell pages it wouldn’t be so easy to achieve.

Thanks to the new update I realized I was missing one yellow spell which turned out to be shaman class spell.

I think there’s something I’m not getting; I got a chest with 150 Healing Totem pages, but my book says I have 0/150 pages.

What am I missing?

My Gear Score was over 3000 and now it’s 2509….


Another known issue:

It seems that now that spells haven’t an individual level anymore they are not counted towards Gearscore.



I’m still not clear on what pages actually do.

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@ed…. neither am I. I’m not entirely sure I have the incentive to find out either with the game in its current state. :sweat:

Okay totally confused now:

I have two identical Lvl 50 Merc Characters. Exactly the same Gear, Spells and Minions applied to both…only difference is their skins. One has a Spell Book level of 46 and the other a Spell Book Level of 43 and I think I just wasted some resources upgrading the latter.

Why don’t they have identical Spell Book levels if their loadout is identical?

And adding to this, why have an order that’s basically impossible to do at high levels for the battle pass, gain 3 levels in a week? At least prior to the patch you could use your strong gear and spells and spend gems on an extra character slot to waste time on a duplicate character that you’re going to eventually delete and restart over anyway. Now you also have to waste resources leveling up their spellbook as well or just go without spells altogether.

That is what I was talking about in the other threads prior to the update: the two heroes did receive the same class spellbook in the transition from 2.4 to 2.5 based on resources.

After the maximum level of the class spellbook was computed, each hero received an individual spellbook, which might have been capped by the character level.

Starting from 2.5, each hero has an individual spellbook to level.

→ That’s why I leveled my second race of the mercenary class to lvl 50 and raised the class spell to lvl 50 to ensure I receive a lvl 50 spellbook on both heroes.

Do you know if there is any official information on this? You are probably right and the chars don’t really feel weaker. I guess it is more the psychological side-effect, if suddenly your own “estimated strength” decreases, while the “estimated strength” of the enemy stays constant :wink:

Spell Pages just replace new Spells or duplicate spells. Still just a spell, but instead of duplicates filling your vault they are now kept as one spell. No more salvaging and no Spell vault limits.
Spell pages are needed to upgrade that spell, and they are found everywhere a spell was found in 2.4 - it is mostly just different wording

Understand the frustration of having a new hero, or a low-level duplicate class with very high rarity spells (as your spell rarity is the same across all heroes) do less damage/% chance/whichever stat is now effected by Spell book level.
But I found it to not be too dissimilar to having a low level hero with high levelled gear and spells, and those items being capped to match my hero level.

My level 50 and level 37 heroes both have Cloudkill equipped, and the difference in spell damage is smaller than I expected - obviously compared to a <level 10 spell book hero, the difference would be greater… but all heroes are still able to do 45% chance to create 4 skulls.

Also, the need to spend Spell Glyphs is not until your spell book reaches level 36 - just spell shards and gold till then.

I am just waiting for everyone else to start in the studio, so I can confirm before I mention anything :sparkles:

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I’m so sad you were correct on this. I was concentrating on the spellbook being the same level for each hero class when the 2.5 update was applied, not that these are then individual spellbooks going forwards.

I have been thinking to make a second warlock for the last week or two as I now want a 9th loadout. Eight loadouts just aren’t enough for a hero, a limitation which has been mentioned many times in these forums.

For me it’s now too late to make a second warlock hero. It would be pointless. Why would I spend so many spell glyphs leveling up a class I already have when there are other classes to level up and play?

Please consider making the spellbook levels per hero class ( or even per hero type. so different looking heros have different spellbooks but same looking heros have the same spellbook) OR, increasing the loadouts on a hero to maybe 12?


@Jeto can you please explain to me (or ask the Devs) why two level 50 Merc characters, with identical Gear equipped, identical Spells equipped and identical Minions equipped have different Spell Book levels? Surely the Spell Book Level should be Global amongst all same-Class characters?

Before the update these characters were identical, but now they’re not? I only had to create a duplicate Merc character in the first place as there isn’t enough Loadout slots for my various Merc builds. Apart from the fact that I had to grind through another 50 levels just to create that dupe Merc character, pre-update at least it worked.

Now I’m being penalised by a new system that, frankly, none of us asked for, and expected to level up two Spell Books.

Is there any chance the Devs could increase the number of Loadout slots so that we can just concentrate on a single character, instead of splitting any now valuable, incredibly rarer-than-ever resources between multiple characters?

Many thanks in advance.


@Jeto: I just had got following spell upgrade problem:
I had the luck to get 2 diamond chests with 1250 spell pages for Consume Souls and Sacred Flame each. It then showed 1250/2250 ( Sorry don’t have a screenshot because didn’t expect problems).
My spell book is level 50 and the spells are both legendary. When opening my spell book it still showed 0/1000 and I could not upgrade.

A thing that happend to many of us and is a wrong interpretation of the reward screen … but you did not get 1250 spellpages, I am nearly sure.
The spells shows not the number of gotten pages below the spell picture … it shows the correct number above the spell.

Did get 10 pages, not 1260 …
Was my first spellpages drop, so … had no pages before


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Probably you are right with the 1250 spell pages.

But the spell book is not correctly refreshed. I opened it now again showing 0 pages.
But when I scrolled down at right side to check another spell it then refreshed at the spell book screen showing 1/1000.
At least it should be actualized when closing/opening screen.

So what does the 1,260 represent?