Access to gear from battle menus

MASSIVE EDIT: AFTER LOADING THE GAME IN STEAM AND RETURNING TO MY PHONE WHILST CHECKING ANOTHER BUG I NOW HAVE THE GEAR/SPELLS/LOADOUT AT THE TOP OF ALL THE SCREENS I ADDED BELOW. (EXCEPT PARTY) Also where the word inventory was near the bottom right of the screen on the seasons this is now at the top on both the story and battles tabs. The inventory button is still in the same location near the bottom right of the main story only. I noticed the resolution was smaller when I loaded the game in steam as more of my chests were cut off on the main screen. Iā€™m going to guess this triggered something and now things are displayed differently on my phone.
The resolution scale on my phone is set to dynamic. Steam is 955x561

Original post:

I know this suggestion has been put in posts again but here are screenshots to illustrate the issue. It would be useful to access your gear and loadout from every pre-battle screen.

Season: Access to inventory/loadouts before battle in story mode near bottom right.

No access to inventory/loadouts for season battle.

These 2 are the same for the archive seasons too.

Hunt: No access to inventory/loadouts

Tourney: Access to inventory/loadouts on the heading bar.

Daily challenges: No access to inventory/loadouts

Daily siege: Access to inventory/loadouts on the heading bar.

Skirmish: No access to inventory/loadouts

Dungeon: No access to inventory/loadouts

Party: No access to inventory/loadouts

Kingdom Defense: Access to inventory/loadouts on the heading bar

Main Story: Access to inventory/loadouts near bottom right.