Evaluation of the 2.5 Spell Rework

Wasn’t the green and yellow spell page copies supposed to be multiplied by 8 and the blue and red multiplied by 10? I received none of that. Should apply to cache, purchases, and chests. I did buy the platinum pass.

And I’ve bought I think 19 caches already, some of those had spell drops.


Member Name: Kenpo_Kid69


Did you receive an e-mail, such as this?

No, I don’t think anyone on PSN has.

Ok, that is something for Jeto to verify whether that happened or not on consoles. That is what the compensation e-mail looks like that awards the bonus pages, though the e-mail itself did not show the exact quantity of pages awarded that get added to the spellbook. The amount awarded was substantial.

After poking around with the new system, it feels good. It is also a good excess key sink, as well.

Spell drops are really random (thanks RNG) and there are definitely streaks of feast and/or famine with appearances in chests. They level out over the long run though. Very dedicated/hardcore farmers that have sufficient time and keys will easily beat the 45 day measuring stick to Ancient Mythic. (IMO, it can be done in (well) under 14 days with sufficient dedication).

That leaves Xione being… rather lacking in comparison, as others have noted.

On the other hand, I’m slowly tilting towards dubiousness towards further Xione adjustments at the moment. Why? Because at the increased drop rates for pages, 800 pages → 4k dust for Xione’s Mythic craft isn’t that daunting anymore. Once a dungeon has had its spells maxed out, it can then just become a spell dust farm for Xione to craft any non-Season spell desired. As an extension of that, Xione’s own dungeon could be turned into an assembly line where both spell dust and Xione’s own crystals can be farmed at the same time. Somewhat unsure how practical this is… yet, but it definitely feels quite plausible to me at the moment.

On the other, other hand, leaving Xione as she is right now “feels” horrible. Her crafting ability feels so weak compared to how powerful farming/burning dungeon tickets is right now.

Need to get to the point where dust farming is a serious thing to gauge how fast Xione can convert dust to spell pages to reach a better determination on the matter.


@KenpoKid69 thanks for sending through your name code - looks like there are a few accounts that weren’t automatically grabbed for this Shop & Cache compensation push, with your account being one of them.

Chasing this up ASAP about getting that resubmitted, so it shouldn’t be too long before that mail arrives in your inbox.

PS. It is not platform specific, so there is accounts missed across all platforms - it is not specific to PSN


I didn’t receive any email either nor did my kingdom. Gem raiders on playstation. Do you need all of our invite codes @Jeto

No information is needed further. We have the list of players missing the compensation.

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Didn’t get mine either :grin:

Following up as well if Xione was left unchanged for now intentionally, or if it was just missed in all the work surrounding calculating the spell page adjustments.

When should we expect our compensation?

They are being resubmitted currently, so will be out by EOD at the latest but should start showing up in inboxes of those who missed out already.

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I agree, I am having a really good time farming as compared to before the spell rework. I have new goals and that feels great.

I also agree, having to wait 80 hours and spend 1 xione crystal to get 100-200 spell pages seems pretty weak. It is better to have her than nothing, but I believe she can be made a little bit more exciting and useful without breaking the system.

No need to reach that point, to evaluate the efficiency of this you just have to do the numbers: 800 pages convert to 4k dust that convert to 100-200 pages. So let’s compare farming a dungeon with 3 ancient mythic spells and farming a dungeon with 3 spells, only one of those you want to evolve (I will assume an even distribution of page drops between the 3 spells). Every 800 page in the former gives you 100-200 pages of the spell you want, while every 800 page in the latter gives you 267 pages of the spell you want. Therefore, dust farming isn’t efficient right now, it is better to just farm the dungeon or your desired spell.

With the previous numbers in mind, I would like to suggest doubling all spell page rewards from Xione. It would help making her feel more useful without allowing super efficient dust farming at the end game (since you have to spend 1 xione crystal each time).


Doubling or even tripling numbers yeah. I also think Xione should get a spell encyclopedia power (if its possible) where you can look up any spell and where its location is at, maybe even click it to send you to that dungeon. That would be very helpful, and its been in the game before, so seems like something that could be added and fits her theme.


This assumes you have unlimited keys to “farm” with, unlimited Xione Crystals, a level 50 Xione, and Ancient Mythic spells for the dungeon.
That is a long list of requirements that includes many limited resources.

Higure is spot on here. Crystals will be the limiting factor in the long term, so likely the equation will be reduced to:
1 Xione Crystal = ??? pages

Most of us don’t want to spend our time endlessly grinding The Doomholt, so getting that number balanced is the key to the long-term viability of the spell dust system.


So i spend majority of my time playing level 100 dungeons and had a good balance/routine opening chest. Last few days my whole routine seems to of fallen apart as i cannot get my food count up, ive put all attention looking at how many pages im getting that ive not noticed someone is stealling my food from chest,

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It is likely that with an increased chance to roll a spell in a loot slot that there is less food dropping now. It is also likely that you, and the rest of us. are using food quicker to open chests and keep the farming going.

Now I want a follower that can create keys for ore/gold. :money_mouth_face: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


WELL, a nice foot in my mouth - I followed this up with the team this morning, because I was not aware there were changes elsewhere with the increase of spell page chances (which in retrospect, seems obvious), and yes it seems to allow for an increase in spell page drops, that chance was taken elsewhere…

That being from Food & Ore ^

Apologies everyone for not getting this information and passing it along. I’ve made a note in future to follow up on the things around a change to keep you all better informed.


Thanks for the update, guess i was not loosing my mind, i knew i was missing food lol

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In my opinion dropping food rates seems a bad idea, as a player who likes to play dungeons and being able to open chest without depending heavily on keys this kept me playing dungeons, potentially now i will run a few dungeons and whils i wait for the timer to tick down il just play another game, u risking others doing the same and some may not return if they like the other games they start playing