Evaluation of the 2.5 Spell Rework

I see the new spell page shop offers for various currencies, though I didn’t the one for Gold.

Is the offer a time-restricted offer (such as Sundays only, such as what the weekly Glyph used to be)? Or did that not make the cut in this initial round of spell page changes/offers?

We are working on some more shop options for spending gold, as we all are well over our max for coins!

The focus of this change was getting more spell pages out there, then going forward we will look at reevaluating the Shop offers - was in a meeting just this morning highlighting that the Marks shop (specific to spell pages) needs to be adjusted, as an example.


No worries.

Just another heading-this-off-at-the pass on this one, as something to spend excess gold on drew attention to the previous note of an gold-based spell page offer (of any quality) for a bunch of players.

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In this post I originally wrote “Deep Shot” as the second Seasonal Spell found in the Cache.
This should have been Celestial Explosion.

We are increasing the number of pages of Celestial Explosion and Cleansing Doom x8.

The eagle-eyed among you will also notice that the number of Deep Shot and Corrupting Light Pages available in the Season Shop has increased from 5 to 50.
As such, we will be multiplying your Deep Shot and Corrupting Light Pages by x10.

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This is exactly what I was talking about in the original post. In my opinion the best way to balance drops is to estimate the average numbers that players should get, decide on a number that feels appropiate and adjust the drop rates based on that. Even if the estimation is not perfect you should still get a result close enough to what you were expecting.

Knowing that the changes have been adjusted through this method makes me feel confident on them being good ones. 45 days for a few ancient mythic seem fair enough, much more when doing the numbers for lower rarities (17 days for mythic, 5 days for legendary, 1 day for epic and less for rare). I believe that in theory these numbers should truly help fulfilling the spell rework goal of motivating players to collect spells and play around with them.

I completely agree with this, better start with some easy changes and then monitore how they go before trying anything more complicated. We will be giving feedback on how the spell rework feels with these changes and if we believe further improvements are needed or not.

I will be honest, after the spell rework issue I am a bit wary about this (sorry about the lack of faith, but the spell issue has been a big blow). However, I trust that the recent lessons learned will help getting the gear rework right from the go.

Currently, after some hours of playing the recent changes to spell pages seem to be working great. Now I really feel like I am making progress and I am motivated again not only to evolve my favorite spells but also other spells to try to improve all my collection. Thank you very much for this improvement, it is a pity we didn’t get it from the beginning since it would have make the spell rework feel truly great, but at least now it seems to be working as it was intended, which I am grateful for. I will still need some more time to fully see how it goes but I believe I will like it better than the previous spell system. Thank you!


Those numbers are still too low IMO. Should be 200 coins for 200 spell pages at the very minimum. Also Xione needs buffs/adjustments as well, she’s really weak right now. Everything else feels pretty good though, great job!

Oh and spell pages in mark shop probably need to be raised too, to better reflect the new changes.


Today has been a good day for people who like to farm dungeons, my farming session was actually fun today rather than a pointless grind


I completely agree, playing dungeons has become interesting again. I was starting to run out of goals in the game, and now I have a new one: evolving all spells. That is a good motivation :grin:


Just wanted to say thank you so much to the players here on this forum who really tackled all the issues with the spell system and laid out all the problems to the devs. We wouldn’t have gotten the fixes if it weren’t for you guys.

Some of the detailed posts about proving all the imbalanced numbers were really a lot of work for you guys to do, and I appreciate you doing this on behalf of all of us players who were frustrated with the update.

And thanks to the devs, too, for earnestly listening to the feedback. It looks like this update is a big step in the right direction. Cheers!

Seeing so many experienced players comment on this spell rework in such a positive way, I can only conclude that it was a change that improved the game after all. 

I didn’t quite understand what the problem was with the previous system or whether this change satisfied the assumptions set out. For those who already had all the spells and were well developed, I think it wasn’t bad, was it equally positive for those who are just starting out? I honestly don’t know…
We seem to be in a hangover, there was a lot of discontent and frustration and it seems that we are going without brakes towards yet another system change, this time the gear. Once again I don’t know what’s wrong with the current system nor can I comment on changes I’m not aware of. I personally don’t appreciate constant tweaks to games, but maybe other players do, I just hope that everything goes better with implementation.

As in the previous entry, I want to thank the developers for their effort, but especially the players who contributed a lot to the analysis of this rework


Sorry for that first paragraph, I don’t even know how I did that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Maybe I missed it, but the compensation should be forthcoming soon? I spent 400 coins for 10 total spell sheets about a week ago and am hoping that its coming and I didnt miss it.

Thanks for what you do.

I have gotten the 2.5 spell compensation, but no nemeon coins or spell dust yet.

I dont think I have gotten anything. Lord knows I’ve spent enough REAL dollars for fake coins……

Still nothing for PSN, no spell compensation, coins, or spell dust. But I imagine its coming when the devs come off their weekend break.

We are still working on the mail with the Coins and Spelldust

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Have drops been turned down? It felt really good on the first day, but today it feels terrible again. Haven’t made any real progress despite farming level 10 dungeon chests. Spell pages have been dropping less frequently today and in lower amounts, gear drops have been really bad today, alot of skirmish type dungeon chests, and even food drops feel lower than normal. If it has been tuned down, it feels awful again.


PSN didn’t get the promised spells either.

I’ve been noticing the same on Android. Food in particular seems increasingly scarce as chest drops and spell pages have been much less common, fewer when they do drop, and it’s incredibly rare that it’s a spell I’m trying to farm. While I realize RNG luck is a thing, it’s been pretty consistently poor for the past while. Gear which drops is almost always uncommon or common with the occasional rare (minions seem to drop at rare more often than gear) and I get a lot of chests with just iron and shards - much more than initially after the change.

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We have not adjusted anything further or anything else recently, except the spell page adjustments outlined above.

As mentioned in another thread:

Also, confirmed this morning that the changes released on Friday were released for all platforms.

The only thing that has not gone out has been the Global compensation of Seasonal Currency & Spell dust (as mentioned already).

If you had purchased the 2.5 Season Spells or had them rewarded in a cache before this change was released and did not get any extra copies in your inbox over the weekend, please leave your name code and I can confirm in your mail data.

You will not receive this compensation if you purchased or collected a cache with the Spell after the balancing was released.