[Fix Released] Bazaar (?) offering in the Bazaar

I don’t know what it is… but now I want one!

This item is making it impossible to restock the bazaar for our Kingdom.

Kingdom: Throne of Odin


New Bazaar offer in my guild today:


Our Bazaar misses one offer complettly, its one less then usual

Kind of cool, but ultimately useless. One of those offers that realistically most players are not going to buy.

This is the same as ours. That blank item right before the VIP offers sometimes is there, then it disappears and the rest of the icon scale bigger, it is very odd.

We were able to do a restock but have to hit the goal with one less item today.

Looks like this was caused by that Legendary Armor deal, which shouldn’t be in there yet :thinking: it’s intended to be released in 3.1 - team is looking to see if we can get it working in the meantime

update: fix releasing by tomorrow replace those deals with new ones if they are not available

We just got one today, 250 spell pages for 1250 gems, should that be in there?

This fix will basically ensure that any deals that aren’t set to be available on 3.0.1 will get removed/replaced.

If an unintended deal is somehow purchased after the fix is released, it will likely show an error and become a different offer.
Unintended offers are (they will be available in 3.1.0):

  • Legendary & Mythic Armor, Weapons, and Accessories
  • Spell Dust offers

That Spell offer is not new, so it shouldn’t have any issues.

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Generally, the gem deals aren’t very popular in Bazaar, as they tend to be overpriced for what you get. This is especially true with mythic relics that are in like the 3,000 range. Would be nice to get more high level player rewards like mythic relics at a resonable price, say 1000 gems and practical rewards like food, ore, and tickets (especially dungeon tickets).

The minion shards are great, because I can gift 50 gems to my alliance members and then they can use the 50 gems to buy them. I can’t really gift the really high priced gem buys as its not really practical and most people don’t even want them.


Hi Jeto,

Is this another change for 3.1, buying 3 Glyphs per day from the rotating shop with Gems (instead of 1)?

So this is not in the Bazaar, so different thing - it appears some changes went out while I was on leave to the Shop.

I’ll post them in the Balances & Changes thread.


The minion change started last week actually. 3 gem and 3 crown, instead of the usual 1 gem and 1 crown we have available to buy.

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