Steps to make it happen again Please detail the steps taken to trigger this bug. The more detailed the breakdown, the easier it is for us to test in-house.
Scrolling down, after closing the error message, appears to reveal the culprit.
Having the first problem reported, even after I reboot the game everytime I enter the shop and scroll down the error message popps up. Started after I bought the daily reset also, and every item I bought from the new offer also did make the error appears.
Had this bug happen to me today (Nokia 8 Android 9). Same daily deal for a Random Epic Rune as the OP causing the missing asset bug. In the screenshot below you can see the missing image just below the error message.
It’s not game-breaking, but please add the Random Epic Rune image anyway.
Also noticed that as daily deals show offers for keys at half their normal prices that can’t be bought. When u try u get stuck at buying option greyed out and need to restart game
I’ve been experiencing a similar but slightly different error for about a week now, off and on. I’m on an Android 11 device (Pixel 4a 5g) and for me it happens if I click anywhere in the shop section and not just in the daily deals section. It also happens if I click anywhere to scroll and not just when I click to select something to purchase. The error I receive is:
Failed to load asset System.Exception: Sprite failed to load for location
Exception: %2