[Name code needed] Frozen gameplay

So I had just won my battl in the Siege for today, 01/05/2024, around 4:40 PM EST, when my game just froze. I could move my wheel around, but nothing happened no matter what i clicked on. I ended up restaerting my game, and lost the points, marks and turn for that game. I purchased extras, and lost the extra turn…so yeah!

This a video of what happened, kind of funny that giant ice ogre flat on his face!

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I’m sorry that happened!

Can you please tell me your namecode?
You can find it in the in game settings, it will be your First Hero name with an underscore and 4 random letters/numbers.

PKRGRL72_KNOW is my name code.

As for this one @Pkrgrl72 I’ll send you some compensation for this locked battle shortly, to your inbox.

Th a nks so much! I really appreciate it.

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Did you happen to see my msg about resetting my extra energy so i can rebuy? Is that even possible?