No more money for this game until we are compensated!

@Jeto I truly think that you have done a remarkable job in taking the complex issues/complaints from the community, presenting them to the supervising team, and bringing back the developer feedback that 505 allows. For me personally, I am not frustrated with you, @Kafka, or @Mother_Morgz. Rather, I am frustrated with whoever at 505 Games makes the decisions to vaporize the value of my resources and prevent you from engaging in conversation/debate with me.

To date, nobody from 505 has responded on the thread I created, and I’ve received literally only one passing response from you. I don’t think this is because of your own lack of interest in my petition, considering the fact that you’ve responded so well to other concerns. Rather, I think it is because someone above you doesn’t want you to engage in my particular topic. And that is really disappointing, because it means 505 Games is likely to make additional decisions in the future that completely vaporize the value of resources I purchase with time and/or money.

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