No more money for this game until we are compensated!

I quit.

The weapon overhaul/gear change altered the entire mechanic.

I paid. I played. I enjoyed.

It changed.

I quit.


Pedantic nonsense. The changes ARE negative,


@Switch Thank you for these words! I literally could not (and have not) said it better myself. I should cross link this post in my other thread.

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I am in the same boat. High VIP. Worked hard to make the desired gear to legendary and mythic. Before the gear rework, it was possible to bring every gear item to the leg or myth level. Now it is just impossible, you need extreme luck, i.e. just impossible for most.

I farmed many locations during whole days after the gear update, opened thousands of chests, and didn’t get a single desired item on the leg or myth level that I farmed for. This is just wrong.

So for me there are 2 issues here. First, my past effort is partially eliminated. Second, at least I had a way by working hard to upgrade all items; now I don’t have any way.


This wasn’t a gatcha game. It has been morphed there, but before it was closer to rpg progression style. Gatcha games are a joke for the exact reason you just detailed.

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This is what I anticipated would cause strong negative reactions as soon as I saw the 3.0 drop.

I anticipated it would be worst for mid-game players (obviously enough), but a lot of high-end and VIP players seem to feel the same frustration, to my surprise.

  • The worth of gear, which cost time and resources, has been seriously reduced because it can no longer be upgraded to mythic.
  • The ability to upgrade gear, which gave positive feedback and a sense of progress (as it should - it’s how you improve in the game!) is gone
  • Being reliant only on random loot drops to get a particular item is discouraging and frustrating because of the constant negative feedback

Lots of frustrated - even departing - players (even some long-term ones) because of this, yet, 2 weeks in, no sign that the devs have even noticed these frustrations or are discussing a course-correction! … Is that typical?


I posted the same somewhere else, but “Is that typical” - 100% yes. It’s happened countless times before and numerous times they have apologized for it but nothing changes. That’s why I rarely contribute to the conversation here at the moment. They have the feedback, they’re working out what to do and yes, they should say this. They’ve said changes are coming in 3.1 and 3.2. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 2 or more weeks before we get any truly useful info though.

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Just jumping in quickly as I do find this confusing to when I am (a dev) pretty constantly sharing and reporting your feedback - as well as actively around the forum.

I have passed on everything I can to the team, shared that there is still more changes to come as I cannot share update details yet (as they aren’t finalised) and respond in as many threads as I can around my other responsibilities - not enough hours in the day to respond to every one in every thread, but that doesn’t mean I’m not reading them and passing them onto the team.

So to say, that there is “no sign” that we have noticed, is somewhat of a hurt to me with how much I try and represent you the community to the rest of the dev team.

I’m here almost every weekday, I know your frustrations and you aren’t able to see everything behind the scenes but I am sharing as much as I can.


Thank-you for all those efforts @Jeto, and I apologize that I’ve not been adequately and expressly appreciative of that while I’m beating this particular drum (or is it deceased equine?) :smiley:

I do realize that you’re limited in what details you can share, and that there’s stuff going on behind the scenes that we don’t/can’t know about.

I suppose, too, I’ve thinking of you not as a “dev” so much as “official forum reader/responder and player advocate”, which is probably misguided of me. … I’m still relatively new to the forums (if not the game) and their dynamics.

Admittedly, it certainly would be nice to get more feedback from the team on these issues – to get at least some sense of what’s going on ‘behind the scenes’ and what is under consideration still vs what’s been rejected, even if things aren’t yet finalized – but I realize that’s not your call.

So, yes, thank-you for all your time and diligence in reading and relating player feedback back to the team!


You and me both - but the team and beyond are aware that as soon as things are finalised and there is information we can share, such as 3.1, 3.1.5 and beyond, that I need that information ASAP to bring here.

Just want to assure people that the effort being put into writing here is not falling deaf… eyes?
But I won’t be able to reply in every single thread and when I have information I’ll share what I can.


Thanks, @Jeto … Apologies again for-- in the midst of my frustration over the particular issue – not adequately acknowledging all that you do!

I’m glad to know that what we’re writing here isn’t whistling into the void … even if we’re not yet hearing any echoes! (Which opens the floodgates to a whole galaxy of mixed metaphors…)


@Jeto First of all I would like to thank you for all the help you provide to us (the community) and I know what is like to have everyone attack you while the devs hide behind in the background, we do appreciate your help.

Th problem is and let me be quite clear, this is not your fault but players including myself (VIP 9) are very frustrated with some of the decisions that are made.

I understand that this is a business and all companies need make money but it seems like the devs are going out of their way to make this game impossible to play just so players will keep spending money and more money to get nothing in the end, this is what you call being GREEDY.

I also understand that you will never please everyone however when you have players that are spending a lot of money and in the end all they get is a poor experience, I think somethings need to change (in my opinion).

For example: Over the last few days I have completed easily between 500-1,000 Difficulty X dungeons either by loot tickets or battling and all I ever get is an iron chest. On the rare occasion that I get a Ruby or Diamond chest I always get just resources (Gold, Ore etc…) or uncommon/rare items.

So my question to you is, do you think this is a good experience???

I would say most people play games so they can unwind after a busy day at work or to take their mind of things that are happening in their life as they just want to experience a little enjoyment for a while. This game is doing the opposite, it should be providing some enjoyment and fun for players however in most cases it is only causing players to get frustrated and angry due to the lack of attention to detail by the devs and also not having a clear understanding as to how to design a game to give your players a good experience.

Now yes you can say “well if you’re unhappy with the game than don’t play it” but if we all had that attitude you would have no players and no players = no money, and when a company stops earning money it goes out of business.

Although I am extremely frustrated and just want to stop playing I don’t because I want to support the game in the hope that things will change and all my money I have given will end up going towards improving this game to give players a good experience.

So far I have not seen any changes that give players a good experience only bad experiences unfortunately.

If you have taken the time to read this, thank you it’s much appreciate.


All very well written, so you deserve more than just a heart on the post.


I got a mythic twinblade from a level 40 today.


Yeah, it really does seems the devs – or maybe the managers/publishers – have decided to go full “gacha game”, where players have no ability to significantly update their gear except by random drops or paying lots of $.

Presumably, this is because gacha games are popular and the successful ones make a lot of money. And because 505 and its parent company are in serious financial trouble over the past year.

I think this change is a mistake, for three obvious reasons:

  1. Trying to jump into that market to compete with larger and more popular titles is no guarantee of success. You’re a minnow going up against sharks, and hoping to gather up some scraps rather than just getting eaten. Or (less metaphorically) hoping new customers show up to play the game despite having so many other (and better established and more popular) titles to choose from.

  2. It alienates much of the existing customer base (or, at least, much of the pre-end-game-already customer base), who stuck around because they enjoyed the “controlled progression” core mechanic. If they’d wanted a gacha game, they’d have been elsewhere already. So it definitely loses customers/income on a gamble that new customers will replace them. A big gamble (see #1)

  3. It’s unnecessary to do so … They could have kept the progression mechanic and attracted both kinds of customers: the casual players who want the instant gratification of random drops and those who wanted to engage more fully and intelligently in character progression. … What’s more, those players would be just as likely - perhaps more likely - to spend money to upgrade the gear they’re shepherding to mythic than are the putative new “gacha only” customers.

If that indeed is what’s happening – that this was an intentional change in the fundamental mechanics of the game – I think it was a very ill-advised decision.

Time will tell.


@Jeto I truly think that you have done a remarkable job in taking the complex issues/complaints from the community, presenting them to the supervising team, and bringing back the developer feedback that 505 allows. For me personally, I am not frustrated with you, @Kafka, or @Mother_Morgz. Rather, I am frustrated with whoever at 505 Games makes the decisions to vaporize the value of my resources and prevent you from engaging in conversation/debate with me.

To date, nobody from 505 has responded on the thread I created, and I’ve received literally only one passing response from you. I don’t think this is because of your own lack of interest in my petition, considering the fact that you’ve responded so well to other concerns. Rather, I think it is because someone above you doesn’t want you to engage in my particular topic. And that is really disappointing, because it means 505 Games is likely to make additional decisions in the future that completely vaporize the value of resources I purchase with time and/or money.

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What is this crappy Update??
At first, I liked it, but now that my equipment is at full capacity, i.e. Epic and Legendary, I can’t do anything! apart from the weapon that I can mount but it requires TOO MANY resources, WAY too much!
Besides, this game is boring, I’ve never seen that!!!
No thank you, I think Stop it because they think we are donkeys!


This is the mid-game “doldrums”.

You’ve figured out your way around the game, tried the different aspects, gotten the hang of it.

But now it’s getting repetitive. It’s the same sort of puzzle over and over. Maybe you’ve also hit a ceiling of what level enemies you can fight - the KD dragon if nothing else. And you can’t get further.

Now what?

Well, that’s where evolving gear used to provide interest.

The repetitious play would still let you advance chosen gear and spells. You could work to improve well-chosen outfits to get better results. You could still make progress. Maybe even try out a new hero (who didn’t use to be nerfed by battle scrolls).

It was an engaging challenge, too, trying out those new combos, then improving the items you found to work well together.

Now, though, you have no such ability. Unless the perfect piece drops - very unlikely - you’re stuck spinning your wheels with no sense of progress or agency. All the interest that gear cultivation used to provide, especially in mid-game, is gone - replaced by waiting on the discouraging slot machine.

Customers aren’t likely to stick around feeling this way.

This is exactly what I started warning about as soon as 3.0 dropped…


@jeto, unfortunatley this isnt good enough and wont get the players back who have quit the game, i personally know of 14 players who quit over the ridiculous gear rework and thats not even including all the players on this forum, including myself.

Sadly it was a terrible change that has taken the fun out of the game and forces players to grind, people dont like being forced to have to grind in the hopes that 505’s rubbish RNG will favout them which it really doesnt…

So many players being upset with this gear rework and quitting speaks volumes…

This should be flagged too then bro, totally off topic and labelling a fellow player a “lurker” which is an attack and insult… when im merely keeping my eyes out for any positive changes coming in the hopes of reinstalling the game. Shame on u.