Please make Seasonal T4 Relics more accessible once the Seasons moves to Archive

Seasonal T4 (Mythic) Relics are currently too hard to come by once a Season moves to Archive. During an Active Season, T4 Relics from that Season at least can be bought with Seasonal Currency (but only if you have the Platinum Pass), but once the Season moves to archive the only place to secure these Relics is through the Archived Season Rewards via Ultimate Caches. These Caches have only a 2% chance to drop a Seasonal T4 Relic. Given that you can only earn 30 Ancient Coins a day, that means it would take you an estimated 1,333 DAYS to farm 4 T4 Seasonal Relics from scratch.

This was brought up nearly 3 months ago with no response.

Once a Season enters Archive the following things should happen:

  • The Seasonal T4 Relic should enter Eveline’s “Exchange Tier IV Relics” inventory
  • Seasonal T4 Relics should show up in Challenges
  • Seasonal T4 Relics should be allowed to be purchased with Ancient Coins from the Archived Season Rewards tab regardless if the Platinum Pass was purchased when the Season was active (even if the cost in Ancient Coins is increased, that would at least be better than the current option of needing to collect nearly 10,000 Ancient Coins for the chance that you will get just 1 Seasonal T4 Relic). If Platinum Pass “value” needs to be retained, then offer some means by which access can be acquired via the archive, perhaps through a further gem expense upgrade.

Amen to this. I don’t buy passes, I’m pretty much, but not entirely, f2p, so I expect that my progress will be slow. That being said, I view mythic seasonal items as unobtainable. Overall, it’s a disheartening situation, the seasonal gear is at least possible to get to legendary now (thank you for those changes) but it’d be nice to have Eveline at least have the possibility of making those relics.

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This is some ongoing feedback we have been sharing with the team.
Since we have rolled all lower-tier relics into one, we have been working on some ideas to make Tier 4 Seasonal Relics more accessible.
Nothing has been confirmed enough that it could be shared in the December blog, but it’s on the radar for the new year.


Is there a “X sleeps until December Blog” countdown timer I can make as my homepage?


I’m a pass buyer, and even buying passes… the struggle is real.

If I had to spitball suggestions that don’t totally devalue the passes:

  1. Greatly increase the the daily AC limit for previous seasons. While I would love that for various reasons, I’m not sure it would really fix the issue. It would help, but maybe not that much?

  2. Leave the AC limit alone (I’m kidding! The AC limit is totally bogus and needs a bump!) and put the relics in the archive shops, with the caveat of having to pay the full pass price (unless you already did) to open it up? Not amazing to FTP though.

  3. Leave the AC limit alone (I’m kidding! The AC limit is totally bogus and needs a bump!) and put the relics in the archive shops, with the caveat of having to pay the full pass price (unless you already did) to open it up AND a time gated gem purchase option, to open it up.

Is this anywhere on the radar? As it stands, it’s statistically impossible to build a mythic season set, even if you purchased the season pass and purchase the weekly relic. Is there any reason why archived season relics can’t be exchanged for by Eveline?


Ditto times infinity. Very frustrating that we cant have Eveline exchange for seasonal relics.