(For those of you on the Gems of War forums, you have already seen this, but here it is again… :P)
Ahoy, questers! You read that correctly, we have two shiny
new team members for you to meet. They are jumping headfirst into support, and some of you may have already encountered them when they’ve replied to your tickets. We thought it was high time to introduce them as you will start seeing them lurking around our community (especially in bug reports) so keep an eye out!
As a way to get to know them both a little better I asked some questions… First up is @Jeto !
What is your favourite game at the moment?
- Recently replayed Destroy all Humans! But flipping around modded Minecraft & Hades
What are your hobbies?
- When COVID permits, playing D&D, streaming with friends, buying indoor plants hahaah
What’s a weird fact about you?
- I really enjoy making presentations!
And last but not least, @OminousGMan!
What is your favourite game at the moment?
- Deadcell.
What are your hobbies?
- Writing, reading and playing Dungeons and Dragons.
What’s a weird fact about you?
- I can clap one handed. (Okay I need a video to prove this to me right now…)
Please make them feel welcome as they learn the ropes and help us across support and community.