Pre registration in game mail is messed up

I’m pretty sure it’s not meant to just have HTML tags (or what ever it is) in the mail

In this picture I have tapped on the Firewalkers Necklace. This works and all the others ones to the left I can tap on EXCEPT the golden dragon minion. No matter how many times I tried I couldn’t tap on it and bring up more info.

EDIT: I’m still on the old version. 0.39.1.xxxx

Hey @shmaunpq

I checked on this one with the team, this seems to be caused by being on the previous version of the game still.

Were you able to successfully collect your mail?

I haven’t tried collecting it still yet. I am now on the current version and I saw it display correctly today. I will let you know if I can’t collect it properly when I get around to collecting it.

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