[Re-reported] Another coop error on playstation

@Jeto we have a new coop error that kicks us all out shortly after the battle starts. Please fix or co op will be unplayable.

I used @KenpoKid69 screen shot because i didn’t take one of my own.

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Sent this error to the team!

Investigating how it can be resolved as it appears it is linked to the changes we pushed to start mana caps :woman_facepalming:t2: which we obviously don’t want to revert to there being no enemy start mana caps again.

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Thank you :blush: figured I’d tell you sooner than later so we can get back to helping each other out. Especially since it’s in the quest pass epic challenge.

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Just tested a fix, so hopefully we can get this resolved quickly!

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Should be fixed up in the next 24-48 hours, if not earlier

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I just tried it and it happened again. My party friends and I would like you to let us know in-game when it’s been resolved. Preparing the party, waiting for the people, the starters, the drinks and as soon as the party starts, everything ends is a little demotivating. And parties are part of pass quests… Let us know when everything is ok, please.

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@Jonas can you send through a screenshot of your error so we can confirm if it is the same issue?

I will follow up on when that fix is being released.

Here it is. Thanks for your attention

Jeto via Puzzle Quest 3 Community <notifications@puzzlequest3.discoursemail.com> escreveu no dia quarta, 4/10/2023 à(s) 21:57:

I should add that I’m on a PC via Steam, I posted in this entry because the problem seems to be the same

Thanks so much! The fix will be released today :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Party just worked. Fingers crossed for good.

Well not entirely… it crashed on me.

One of these days i hope for smooth sailing paeties cause i do enjoy playing co op.

@Jeto we were able to do a few but it kept crashing occasionally for the others. It finally crashed on mine. Heres my code.

Here are my friends error codes in theirs.

@Jeto hope this helps solve the issue.

One is the same as mine but the other is different :thinking:

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Just while I follow this one up, have you completely closed and relaunched PQ3 in the past couple of hours?

Yes. I do it just to refresh party. At least 10 times or so.

We are looking into it now!

No further reports needed, thus far

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@Santandrix which loadout were you using here, gear wise?

Also, is this occurring before the battle starts, during your first turn, during the enemy first turn or some other moment?

Lastly, what is the invite code of the player who got the RE error (not the CE version), if it was not you?