[Reported] PQ3 Bildschirm eingefroren


ich musste seit einigen Tagen feststellen, das bei PQ3, mein Bildschirm ständig einfriert.

Zudem bleibt der gelbe Ladebalken immer in der Mitte stehen,und läuft auch nicht nach längerer Wartezeit weiter.

Das Problem ist nicht nur bei mir, sondern auch bei anderen Mitgliedern
meiner Gilde Wolfsbrigaden.


Is it specifically stuck on the ‘Loading Assets’ screen of the yellow loading bar?
This is a known issue and should be fixed in 3.3

If you restart the game, you’ll be taken straight back into your next battle in the meantime.

Bleibt es speziell auf dem Bildschirm „Assets werden geladen“ des gelben Ladebalkens hängen?

Das ist ein bekanntes Problem und sollte in 3.3 behoben sein.

Wenn Sie das Spiel neu starten, werden Sie in der Zwischenzeit direkt zurück in Ihren nächsten Kampf geführt.

I’m going to jump in.

The first line: I’ve noticed for a few days that my screen keeps freezing in PQ3.

This has also happened to me slightly more than usual. I’m assuming it’s network issues. (It may be different for the original person) For example once today I clicked on salvage a chest and the game just froze. I restarted and it replayed the final blow of the battle and the victory screen but when I clicked on that it just took me straight to the main screen as the chest had already been salvaged. It has gotten stuck at other random points too.

As for the second line: I think you will find this is slightly different to the adventure loading assets bug. The fix in 3.3 may solve this as well but the issue is presenting differently. For maybe the last 2 weeks I have noticed the game occasionally getting stuck half way through the loading assets bar. Also this has been happening in battles other than adventure battles. For me it is pretty rare, maybe 5 or 6 times in 2 weeks, but it is a new bug. Just happened to me again now when loading the kingdom defense.

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The bug reported was not specific to Adventures, but I have added it to what I had noted to the team is aware in case it would not be resolved with the fix in 3.3