Roadmap? - Patches, Rebalancing, Updates etc


1st Point:

I posted almost the exact same thing, even with a seasonally appropriate greeting here: Happy New Year!

To which, I received absolutely no response - presumably because “things don’t get done around the holidays”? (Per your excuse in the other thread you updated moments ago)
In fact, your handy little forum here, shows me that @Jeto has replied to me once - the exact same amount as you - and most of my posts go completely without answer, even when I’m wearing mittens and not asking “the hard questions in game development”.

As for favoritism - I won’t pull the number for Mythos’s posts as you surely can as well. You will clearly see a disparity as I’ve posted more than Mythos and received less feedback. This is Bad Customer Service. This is favoritism. This is Dumb.

Please, do not lecture me about the difficulties of project management. You do not know what we on the other side here bring to the table. Conveniently, none of your team have sought to build any relationship with any of us - with the exception of certain people that we like to reply to - though still not providing any information.

“Other Concerns”? OTHER CONCERNS? Are you kidding me?

Read your forums. This place is a desert of information about the game. What it is, is a whole bunch of people with problems with your game that are being ignored.

So, yes, I have “Other Concerns” about communication. Such as the complete and utter lack of it! Please, for the love of god hire more CMs, or better yet, let your CMs engage and discuss the game.

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