Thank you for the new way to spend food

Over the past few days there have been a couple of flash offers for food

Thank you

Being able to spend food is something that has been asked for and it’s nice to be able to spend a resource on something useful
Also being able to collect food from chests again now I am not at maximum is nice too

Thanks and fingers crossed that ways to spend food will continue to be available


Thank you again for the offers! Only thing is maybe an announcement is needed as it was someone in the kingdom that brought it to our attention.

As the offers were previously predominantly in crowns, alot of users are probably not aware of this very nice change.


Just saw this today! Just randomly clicked on the flash offer. Thanks guys!

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Also happy about the food flash offer. However, this does worry me if this is the way food is supposed to be fixed. While these offers are very nice, they are a band aid on the food problem. The actual role and function of food would have to change for this problem to actually be solved. So hoping these are just nice ways to tide us over, and not something that will continue long-term.