The Gear Rework


That will happen for chest drops once 3.0 is released. But our current gear will have no variance, everything will be transformed with exactly the same quality for each rarity for everyone. At same level all current mythics will have same/equivalent stats, and the same for legendaries, epics…


Cheers Higure.

Another good question that was posed by “Reaper” in our community chat is:

What will happen to the ‘Forgemaster’ trophy/achievement that requires us to “Get any Gear item to Level 50” seeing as that will now be unobtainable in 3.0?

Will the new requirements and description be set at the release of 3.0?

I believe it will change to get a battle scroll to Lvl 50.

Ah right. I thought it might’ve been “Hone a Gear item to Tier X”.

This is a total mischaracterization of the problem I’m raising, @HigureTheStillWind . This isn’t a matter of a 40€ suddenly being worth only 10€. This is a matter of 40€ suddenly being worth nothing.

Again, let’s give another example. There are two gamers who each have 1 Mythic Lvl 50 weapon and 25 Legendary Lvl 45 weapons. Over one year, they each used gems to buy 50 weapon glyphs and also spent 500€ real-world money to purchase another 50 weapon glyphs. Now, one day before the Gear Rework announcement, this is how each gamer used their 100 weapon glyphs:

  1. Gamer #1 used 100 weapon glyphs to upgrade 25 Legendary weapons to Mythic Lvl 45.
  2. Gamer #2 used 98 weapon glyphs to upgrade 7 Legendary weapons to Mythic Lvl 50.

One day later when the Gear Rework is announced:

  1. Gamer #1 learns that all 25 Mythic Lvl 45 weapons will receive a great upgrade post-conversion. They also think to themselves, “Wow, I’m really glad I didn’t waste all those weapon glyphs on getting my weapons to Lvl 50, because I’d just end up with the same weapon post-conversion anyway, and I already had a Lvl 50 weapon to give me a Lvl 50 Offense Scroll.”
  2. Gamer #2 learns that all 7 Mythic Lvl 50 weapons will get converted to the same quality as a Mythic Lvl 45 weapon. He thinks to himself, “WHAT THE HECK?!? I spent a year and 500€ to get those 100 weapon glyphs… and I just wasted 70 of those glyphs on upgrading to higher levels that won’t carry over into any benefit post-conversion?! I should have just done what Gamer #1 did!!”

Simply stated: The current conversion scheme will result in Gamer #2 losing high-value / high-investment / high-cost resources. It doesn’t matter that they’re “still getting other good deals”, because Gamer #1 is also getting the same deal. The difference is that compared to Gamer #1, Gamer #2 is losing the realized benefit of all the time and money they used to obtain those extra glyphs.

These gamers had a binary choice on how to use the weapon glyphs: (1) Upgrade many to Mythic 45, or (2) Upgrade few to Mythic 50. Yes, gamers can choose a combo of both, but the reality still stands for Option #2: Whoever chose Option #1 will get huge rewards post-conversion. Whoever chose Option #2 will get less rewards (fewer mythic weapons) and suddenly have all the value invested in higher level items vaporized and deleted. Again, it’s like that time when Gozer the Gozerian asked Dr. Stantz, “Are you a god?” When Dr. Stantz mistakenly said “No?”, Gozer replied…

Only in this case, I’m Dr. Stantz, I chose to use my glyphs to upgrade items to Lvl 50, and now I have community pillars saying, “Suck it up, that’s life, you still got something good, this is how games work,” all while they watch my high-investment resources get vaporized.

Again, @HigureTheStillWind, you are mischaracterizing the issue at hand here. This is not a matter of something being devalued - this is a matter of value being completely deleted. This is a matter of gamers having a binary choice on how to use costly resources, and unfortunately they make a choice that they could not have know would be “wrong” that would result in the deletion of any value. And it is NOT working the same way as when I had invested it - I spent those high-cost resources to upgrade something above what a lvl 45 weapon is, and now I am getting the new equivalent of a lvl 45 weapon.

Finally, I need to say this: I am deeply disappointed that a pillar of this community would see fellow gamers describe these losses, and respond by saying, “I am not supporting any petition of compensation for this issue.” That really sucks. I understand that we don’t want complaints/issues to nullify the good things that developers are doing. At the same time, supporting developers doesn’t mean we need to push down fellow gamers and squash their concerns related to losing in-game value of high-investment resources.

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What is exactly that you are disappointed by?

  • Me not supporting the issue?
  • Me saying exactly those words (not exactly though, I explained my opinion and then said that those were the reasons for not supporting the claim)?

I hope it is not the first one, I would be really surprised if someone thought I should support all petitions made here.

About the second I believe that it was already clear from our conversations that I didn’t share the opinion on the affected players being entitled to compensation. Which means, of course, that I don’t support the claim. That doesn’t mean that I am asking devs not to do anything about it, that I prefer that there is no compensation or that I am trying in any way to discredit you. I have just stated my opinion as someone that also has several lvl 50 items but doesn’t want any compensation and doesn’t feel we are even really entitled to it.

If you have felt attacked in any way or felt that I have tried to “push down fellow gamers and squash their concerns” it wasn’t my intention. My goal was to add my voice to the issue, as I have done plenty other times both when I agreed and when I didn’t with what was explained. I would appreciate if you could tell me exactly what you are disappointed by so that I can learn from it.

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Mate, I don’t feel personally attacked… which means I probably should have rephrased myself a little bit differently. I’ll admit that “push down fellow gamers” comes across as making something personal. I think “squash their concerns” is still appropriate. Either way, to clarify, I don’t feel personally attacked. But I am frustrated that a pillar has, in my opinion, unnecessarily opposed this petition.

Nobody is saying you have to support all petitions here. But if someone goes out of their way to say, “I am not supporting any petition of compensation for this issue,” it comes across as opposing the issue. Sure, technically it can mean they are neutral toward a petition. But in the context of providing opposing arguments, it comes across as being against a petition.

So yeah, after a few of us have articulated a legitimate issue that has real world costs, it is frustrating to have someone spend paragraphs obfuscating the points that I’ve strenuously tried to clarify, and finish by saying, “I am not supporting any petition of compensation for this issue.” In that context, it comes across opposing the petition. And that is frustrating, because this petition will hurt absolutely nobody. Instead, it seeks to restore value for high-investment resources.

Again, I understand that this gear rework is highly beneficial and that we’re all getting a great deal. But two things can be true at the same time - it’s a great deal AND I’m about to unnecessarily lose massive amounts of high-investment resources - resources that cost A LOT of time and/or money to obtain.

An alternate solution is to, before the conversion, refund glyphs used to upgrade 2nd (and beyond) Mythic Lvl 50 items from Lvl 45 to Lvl 50. This will give players the chance to apply those glyphs to upgrading other Legendary items. Otherwise, the value of all those glyphs will be vaporized, deleted, gone.

Or even just give everyone 4 weapon, 4 armor, 4 accessory glyphs so they can safeguard and mythic their favorite legendaries so they have permanent value. Unfortunately the devs would only have 24 hours to do this when they get back from weekend break, so just not enough time. At this point, might as well just embrace the patch, see what it feels like and then offer constructive feedback after the fact.


Whether before, or after, there will definitely be a way to address this issue. It’s just a matter of whether developers and/or fellow gamers recognize that it is, in fact, an issue worth addressing.

Sorry in advance to anyone who hates math.

Here are my stats for those interested how a real world veteran account looks going into this update.

I have “over spent” my glyphs by 60 weapon glyphs, 20 armor glyphs, and 44 accessory glyphs had I had perfect foresight of the 3.0 update.

Level in 2.5 Weapon Glyph Equiv. Armor Glyph Equiv. Accessory Glyph Equiv.
50 (16 glyphs per) 7 112 3 48 5 80
49 (14 glyphs per) 0 0 0 0
48 (12 glyphs per) 0 0 0 0
47 (10 glyphs per) 0 0 0 1 10
46 (8 glyphs per) 0 0 0 0
45 (6 glyphs per) 7 42 20 120 13 78
Legendary 45 (2 glyphs per) 18 36 37 74 46 92
Total Glyphs 190 242 260
Overage 70 30 54
Subtract for 1x level 50 60 20 44

This looks like a lot, 124 glyphs spent that were not needed in order to get the maximum scroll levels in 3.0.

But when I then compare this to what my inventory will look like after the 3.0 update I have to add this line to the spreadsheet for every mythic that is not level 50 now that will be after the update:

Glyphs “gained” from the 3.0 update:

Weapon Armor Accessory
70 200 136

That is 406 glyphs of value granted by the update, minus my 124 overage, comes out to 282 net gain in glyphs from 2.5 to 3.0.

With perfect foresight (and the t4 relics to do so) I could have gamed the update better an achieved a higher net gain. That number gets to a net gain of >700 glyphs.

Contrarily, If I had used glyphs to get my gear to 50 exclusively and had no level 45-49 Mythics I would have a net gain of 0 glyphs from this update.

0 - 700 glyphs gained is a HUGE window to fall into and leaves a lot of room for corresponding levels of satisfaction with the update.

The biggest problem (on this topic) right now, as I see it, is that the future of glyphs is unclear. I am content today with the status quo of the update, but that will change very quickly if glyphs are again assigned a very high value for future progress. Currently I am not feeling the pinch of my glyph devaluation, because glyphs appear to be useless to me if I have level 50 scrolls. The most obvious case it when a new class is introduced. Another case would be if glyphs are used as currency with followers. For this reason I think that there is a valid argument for a continued consumer protection conversation around the valuation of gained resources. Glyph value is being deflated for one part of the population (veterans with many mythic 50s) and inflated for others (players with fewer mythic 50s) in the same update. Throw in the new players who have yet to spend a glyph. Imagine looking at the pile of glyphs needed to get one character to 50, let alone 7 characters…

All this to say “I am on the fence” for this debate.


This is a great analysis! Thank you for taking the time to type it up! If I read this correctly, I think you have well-described the two outcomes of how to use glyphs before this update.

Here’s the thing: Nobody had any foresight, and therefore nobody has gamed the update. People who “chose well” are the ones that chose to evolve more items to Mythic 45; people who “chose poorly” are the ones that chose to evolve a few items to Mythic 50. Neither group had any foreknowledge; however, the latter group is losing out on the value of a HUGE amount of high-investment resources.

A great point!

Another great point! I’ll take it a few steps further:

  • If glyphs are ever assigned a high value for future progress, then the multi-Lvl 50 item holders are losing out the future value of their vaporized glyphs.
  • If glyphs are NEVER assigned a high value for end-game progress, then the multi-Lvl 50 item holders are losing out on the current value of being able to upgrade more Legendary 45s to Mythic 45s with the soon-to-be vaporized glyphs that were used to upgrade 2nd (and beyond) Lvl 50 items.

Either way, multi-Lvl 50 item holders are about to lose out on a HUGE amount of value for their high-investment resources. Whether you spent time or spent money to get those glyphs, the value of those high-investment resources is about to be vaporized if you chose “the wrong path” of making a few Mythic LVL 50s instead of the “the right path” of making many Mythic LVL 45s.

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Again, it’s the Gozerian Query: You’re presented with two options - answer “yes” for Pathway 1 (i.e., use glyphs to make many Mythic 45s), or answer “no” for Pathway 2 (i.e., use glyphs to make a few Mythic 50s). The catch is that you have no way to know that one choice will reward you greatly in “the age to come”, while the other choice will vaporize your resources. Gamers should not unknowingly be put into this scenario.

@Jeto I would like to propose the devs consider posting a glyph sale offer to buy accessory glyphs what with the upcoming rework. It would likely drive gem sales - not everyone’s sitting on massive gem stockpiles, after all, and many of us who have dropped some money on the game would be more likely to do so with this coming up.

I don’t know that anyone will see this in time but I view it as something of a win-win suggestion: those who wish to be prepared for the rework could work towards it, while the game becomes even somewhat more profitable for the makers.

Edit: Originally was going to suggest bringing Dreamhold adventure but considering the updates and the lack of time, that was a silly approach.


I am hoping too. Please have mercy on us.

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So all the money I’ve spent on leveling things is wasted? Like all the money I spent on spells is stolen too. Y’all already overpower the monsters by giving them several multiples of hit points that you give us at the same level. Now you are just keeping everything and screwing pay to play people. Thanks.

Long story short, your time and money has NOT been wasted if you’ve leveled up items to Mythic Lvl 45, and/or if you’ve leveled up only one item per Battle Scroll group to Mythic Lvl 50. If you fit in this bucket, then you’re gonna get a really sweet deal post-conversion.

HOWEVER… As it currently stands, any time and money spent upgrading more than 1 item per Battle Scroll group past Mythic Lvl 45 will be deleted, vaporized, and wasted post-conversion.

For example, if you have 5 Mythic Level 50 armor pieces:

  • The 1st Mythic Lvl 50 armor will turn into a Sacred Mythic armor piece plus give you a Lvl 50 Defense Scroll.
  • The 2nd through 5th Mythic Lvl 50 armor pieces won’t do anything further to your scrolls, but they’ll still turn into Sacred Mythic armor pieces. However, because all Mythic Lvl 45 - 50 items get converted to the same Sacred Mythic level post-conversion, you won’t get anything for the extra 40 armor glyphs you used to upgrade the 2nd through 5th armor pieces to Lvl 50. That value will be vaporized, lost, wasted.

The argument of “wasted money” can only be used on lvl 50 gear items apart from the first weapon, armor and accessory. And if you have those 3 lvl 50 items, in the case of lvl 45 mythic items, we can talk about “gained money” since they will be kind of upgraded to lvl 50 . @00h00m has perfectly explained how he will be “gaining” more glyphs than the ones he will be “losing”. As long as you have more lvl 45 mythic items than lvl 50 items - 3 you will have a net gain of glyphs through the transition.

If you are worried about enemies been too powerful then the gear rework will give you a huge power boost right from the the start, since all your gear that is lower level than you highest level gear will improve its stats. Additionally you will be able to further hone your gear to make it even more powerful. So this time it is us the players who will become much stronger, you will see.

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There is a further calculations that can be included into this, and that is that if you have lvl 50 battle scrolls, then legendary items will get their main stat (damage/block/armor/resistance) and the elemental mastery bonus even higher than that of a current lvl 45 mythic and similarly for epic items as compared with current lvl 45 legendary items. They don’t get the improved ability and the extra attribute, so let’s say we are gaining half value which would be 1 glyph for every epic piece and 2 glyphs for every legendary piece. If we add that to the net glyph calculation, the amount of glyphs/value we are getting will greatly increase. In my case:

  • 16 lvl 50 mythics: 130 glyphs “wasted”
  • 14 lvl 45 mythics: 140 glyphs “gained”
  • 57 legendaries: 114 glyphs “gained”
  • 150 epics: 150 glyphs “gained”.

Counting the gains I get for legendaries and epics too my net “gainings” go from 10 to 274 glyphs. 130 “wasted” glyphs may seem a bit concerning, but when I see that I have “gained” around 400 glyphs then the transition seems to me not only fair but also a nice gift from the devs.

I don’t take the value gained with the transition for granted, I believe it is a gain connected to the inversions done in this game (playing and investing time and effort in the game has carried me into the current state) so the net result of that inversion is clearly positive. Of course that if I had done things differently I could have had an even better result. But as I said before, “if I had known” or “if I had done differently” arguments aren’t valid for me. I have invested my time and effort in this game in how I thought was the best way. The result from the gear rework is that I am gaining more that what I am losing, so I am happy and 100% satisfied.

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My entire kit is at 50, and several pieces in some colors as I have a load out for each color for the tourneys