Update 0.38 – Patch Notes

Ahoy, adventurers! Announcing a medium-sized update to Puzzle Quest 3, Update 0.38.

Update 0.38 introduces reworks to Events and Challenges, changing the way Spells work in battle and adding new types of packs to the Shop. We hope these changes improve the existing features by reducing the length of Events and giving Dungeons and Skirmishes more enticing rewards.

Read on for a full list of changes or skip to the bottom for quality of life improvements and bug fixes.

Changes in Update 0.38

There are a number of changes in this update, and we have outlined the major ones below. Where possible we have included the reasoning and intention behind these changes.

Events were taking too long and didn’t feel distinctly different from other game modes. We’ve reviewed the rewards and score structure for events. Battles should now feel shorter and progress will carry over between battles.

  • Access Events from the new World Menu
  • Battles now have 2 Enemies; Mini-Boss and Bosses
    • Look out - these Enemies will be more difficult as they are Bosses and Mini-bosses rather than 2 new Enemies!
  • Progress (Life) carries between battles . Access potions in the Rest menu between battles to heal your Hero
  • We’ve changed the way your Tier is calculated in Events
    • Your Tier in Daily Siege and Event Dungeons is now based upon your highest Hero’s level and will lock in when you gain any score in the Event
    • Your Tier will increase every 5 Hero levels after Level 5, up to Tier X at Level 50.
  • Event Difficulty doesn’t correspond with other Difficulty in the game
    • It is based on 80% of your Hero’s Level

Rewards and scoring

  • Rewards are now earned based on the Tier that you are part of. Increase your score to unlock more Chests
  • Individual monsters now give both Gold and Marks. Further Loot rewards have been moved to the Shop and are purchasable with the Marks earned
  • Medals have been removed from Events to offset the new rewards structure
  • In preparation for future changes, Horns are now awarded for winning Event battles rather than from the competitive Score rewards.

Changes to Marks and Dungeons. To give Events more unique rewards and a greater purpose to playing we’ve taken Marks from Dungeons and added them to the broader game currency system.

  • Dungeon Marks are now called “Marks” and have been removed from Dungeons
  • Marks are now used across the game as another resource that can be earned as a Reward from Events or spent in the Shop
  • The ability to Empower Dungeons for extra rewards has therefore also been removed
  • Your existing Marks will carry over and can be used to purchase items from the Event Shop.

Changes to Dungeons, Skirmishes, and Challenges

To continue our quest to help differentiate game modes we’ve improved the rewards for Dungeons and Skirmishes and split their rewards. This distinguishes Dungeons from Skirmishes so that there is a clearer purpose to return to both.

  • Custom Skirmishes and Dungeons have been moved from the Daily Challenges menu to the Battles tab and updated to suit the new UI

  • Skirmish Chests give extra Shards and more Ore

    • Food Drop-rates have been decreased to balance this out
    • We found lots of Food was being given and not much Ore and it was difficult to upgrade items across the economy
  • Dungeon Chests no longer give Shards

    • To balance this, they now have a higher chance to give Relics - Especially Higher rarities
    • More Armor and Accessories will be available
  • Custom Skirmishes and Dungeons have been moved from the Daily Challenges menu to the Battles tab and updated to suit the new UI

  • Skirmish Chests give extra Shards and more Ore

    • Food Drop-rates have been decreased to balance this out
    • We found lots of Food was being given and not much Ore and it was difficult to upgrade items across the economy
  • Dungeon Chests no longer give Shards

    • To balance this, they now have a higher chance to give Relics - Especially Higher rarities
    • More Armor and Accessories will be available
  • Challenges are now picked based on your Hero with the highest level, with better rewards at higher levels

  • Changed Difficulties for Skirmish and Dungeons to include easy, medium, and hard options.

    • Easy Mode has changed to 60% Hero’s level, and hard is 100% of your Hero’s Level
    • Medium/Normal Difficulty remains at 80% of the Hero’s Level
  • Win a battle within a Skirmish or Dungeon to unlock its difficulty level to play again in the future

  • Loot Dungeons and Skirmishes based on the Highest Difficulty completed in your account.

New Flash Offers have been added to give items that are more meaningful. There have been a number of small changes to the existing packs to give them more value. After taking Marks from Dungeons, we’ve returned them to the overall game system to give them more uses; for example, to purchase packs without real money for items.

  • Special “ Flash Offerpacks can appear as a pop-up based on the situation they are needed for; for example, upgrading Weapons from Rare to Epic
  • Improvements to the interface; including interstitial pop-ups for new packs and displaying Chapter Packs in the main menu
  • All Chapter packs excluding Chapter 14 and 15 now give 5 (rather than 4) resources of their type
  • Various packs now offer better- randomized rewards , giving multiple types of items across Accessories, Spells, and Armor
  • Multiple amounts of the same item can be purchased within packs in the Shop (e.g. purchasing 3x Superior Shards Bundle at once.)
  • Marks can be spent in the Shop to purchase new packs including new items, such as Shards, Keys, Spells, Relics, or Gear (Armor, Weapons, and Accessories) Shards, Glyphs or Accessories
    • These items will change depending on the day and time.

We’ve removed the ability for Mana to be shared between Spells of the same Mastery, and to balance this, introduced Spell Set Bonuses. Spell Set bonuses are much like the Gear Set bonuses that were introduced in the last update, Update 0.37.

  • Spells of the same color now share Gem Mana collected during your turn (rather than earning Mana towards each Spell at once)

    • Now the game will prioritize Gem collection in order of Spells Left to Right
    • For example, rather than 10 Yellow Gems going to each Yellow Spell, Gems are now split Left to right with Gems of 3, 3, 2, and 2 Gems across the 4 Light Spells equipped
  • Set Bonuses are gained with each additional Spell of the same Mastery Color that is equipped; earning an increase in Mana gained and Mana damage from those spells.

    • 2 Spells of the same Mastery Color:-
      • +25% Mastery in battle.
      • First spell of that color gains +75% Mana, and +100% Mana Damage.
      • Second spell of that color gains +25% Mana.
    • 3 Spells of the same Mastery Color:
      • +50% Mastery in battle.
      • First spell of that color gains +150% Mana and +200% Mana Damage
      • Second spell of that color gains +100% Mana, and +100% Mana Damage
      • Third spell of that color gains +50% Mana
    • 4 Spells of the same Mastery Color
      • +100% Mastery in battle.
      • First spell of that color gains +225% Mana and +400% Mana Damage
      • Second spell of that color gains +175% Mana and +300% Mana Damage
      • Third spell of that color gains +125% Mana and +200% Mana Damage
      • Fourth spell of that color gains +75% Mana
    • Unlike Gear Set bonuses, Spell Set bonuses won’t stack with each Mastery Element of that Spell collected
      • For example, either between Ice I or Ice II set bonuses only one will be active at once
  • Spells provide a bonus to Mastery, increasing as they level.

Why is mana no longer shared between Spells in battle?

We noticed that some Classes were being favored when using them with the same Spell Mastery color builds, making them too powerful! To help more Classes feel useful and encourage diversity of gameplay we’ve removed the ability for Mana to be shared with Spells of the same color. To balance this change we’ve introduced Spell Set Bonuses.

With the change to the way mana is shared across spells, the new bonuses on single-color Spell builds for battles, as well as the addition of Mastery bonuses to spells, this has had a net positive effect on your Hero’s ability to give Damage (mainly from Spell damage and Mana damage). In fact, it was quite strong. Correspondingly, we’ve increased enemy damage to keep things in balance. We’ve also made a few other balance changes across the puzzle gameplay:

  • Big Gems can only go past Level V (5) using Spells, Items, or abilities
    • Gems Level V (5) or above will now give a Gold bonus at the end of the battle (1% Gold Bonus Per Gem)
  • Hero Damage has been increased, and also Enemy damage to balance this out
    • Players level 25+ will notice a stronger Damage increase
    • We made this change to make it easier to do damage after removing the ability for Mana to be shared between Spells
  • Enemy Bosses and Mini-Bosses now receive the Stun Barrier status for a turn after recovering from Stun. Much like Barrier, this will block the next Stun and then disappear. A “Stun Resisted” effect will appear when the Stun is resisted
  • Ultimate Spells are longer affected by the Freeze or Haste status effects.

As always, we value your feedback and keep an eye out for things we can change. Here are some, just to name a few:

  • Gear Storage capacity has been increased from 25 slots to 50!
  • Purchasing packs with real money would not exceed the capacity within the Battle Pass
  • Gear Set bonuses now show the possible Rarity upgrades
  • Select or Tap the screen during the Chest Opening sequence to speed up the animation
  • Various menus updated to suit the new in-game interface style
  • Multiple chests can be salvaged, opened, and Missions with Minions completed from the same menu after battles
  • Added new loading screen tips
  • Notifications (e.g. “Turn Ended”) now decrease in size if there is less text, reducing the likelihood of them appearing over the board
  • Spell Slot numbers are indicated in the menus
  • Improved the Battle Summary to differentiate between Block and Critical Hit chances
  • Unity Upgrade - This update introduces an engine upgrade to a newer version. This allows us to work on new and exciting upcoming features, and should fix some smaller issues, but may introduce some other bugs or issues
  • Game Progress can be reset within Account > Settings. This will permanently erase your progress - Be very careful!

New information and content

A new style of News pop-up will appear for new content in the game, helping surface future content like Seasons, Updates, News or Events. Seasons - sorry, what was that?

Leaderboard improvements

  • PVP Leaderboard Ranking -
    • If you tie with other players in Points you will now display as the same Rank as other players with the same Point score
    • For subsequent ranks that are not tied, ranking continues as normal (e.g. Two ties for Rank 1, with a non-tie for the third player will result in Rank 3)
    • The correct rewards were still previously earned
  • Select players within the Tourney or Event leaderboards to see more options and see your position on the leaderboard at the bottom of the menu.

Citadel Bonuses can be reset

  • The Citadel Bonuses can be reset after gaining them at Level 50+
  • The first reset is free, subsequent resets cost 300 Gems and may be free after a certain time
  • We would like to continue working on the quality of life of Citadel Bonuses in future updates.

  • Big Gems have effects when they are matched and idle on the game board
  • Improvements to the texture of a number of Heroes.

We have fixed a number of issues where:

  • Web-pages (such as in-game helped) were not showing on Android devices
  • An incorrect mana bonus was being displayed when upgrading Esgaard Pauldrons. Was displaying 750% instead of 75%
  • A displayed issue caused the Poison Spray Spell to not carry over
  • The Paladin Shield had conflicting descriptions. It now shows in battle and in the Spell vault screen to list as “…destroy all Gems in a column and grant Barrier.”
  • Gear and Minions disappear from the Inventory after entering Restricted and Elite Tourneys
  • Gear unequipped in Restricted Tourneys disappears from the Gear Vault until the game was relaunched
  • Some Minions were displaying 6 decimal places in their stats, instead of one. For example ‘Mission Time: -8.400001%’ was being displayed instead of ‘Mission Time: -8.4.’
  • The Royal III set of Gear was not displaying an increase in Heros power until the first turn was made
  • When repeatedly tapping on the screen, predominantly during Dungeons, between matching and next enemy animations was causing an “RE” Error message
  • The Dungeon Reward tutorial was appearing multiple times between Chapter 1 and Chapter 9
  • Eveline did not display the Crafted “Item Ready” icon when she had finished trading a Relic
  • A graphical issue caused some numbers for Hero stats (Armor, Resistance, Block) to not be displayed correctly.
  • You can become locked inside the Kingdom Tab when accessing it via the Dungeons > Chat > Go to Kingdom. A graphical issue causing the UI at the bottom of the screen to disappear
  • Grim Scythe was dealing Fire damage instead of Dark damage
  • Minion ‘Equip’ text was overlapping ‘Complete Rest’ on the Minion resting screen.

  • When opening the Shards bundles in the Shop, the amount of Shards you receive appears to be incorrect, and increases every time you open the menu. It may appear as if you are guaranteed more Shards than those available
    • This is a display issue only, and the correct amount of Shards will be received when purchasing.
    • We are preparing a new technical update hotfix for this issue and a fix has been found
  • Some graphics in the Shop appear at lower image quality. Legendary Items will not show the image of the correct reward
  • Selecting Materials from Followers when done crafting may not link to other parts of the game
  • In Events; the overview menu shows both the “Tier” of players you are competing against as well as the “Tier” of rewards
  • Some Chests cannot be opened if the exact amount of Gems/Keys is owned
    • Fixed in the next Update, 0.39. Try earning another Gem or Key to fix this issue

Here are some areas of the game we’re considering focusing on in the future:

  • Improvements to the Battle Pass
  • Continuing to convert the game to the new UI menu style
  • Introducing Russian and some Asian languages to the game
  • Continuous quality of life improvements
  • Changes to make the timing going between battles more succinct.

Puzzle Quest 3 is in active development, so these areas are open to change.

May your swords stay sharp! :crossed_swords:


Buying shards in the shop, the shop says that you get 19 shards, but you only get 10. Need to increase that to 19.

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I’ve updated the Known Issues - this is actually the first issue. We are preparing a fix for this problem!

And yet you didn’t buff spell damage to be more in line with what skull damage output becomes at lategame thus ensuring the skull meta remains in place for the foreseeable future.

Couple this with the fact that you don’t get all your mana for all your spells at once if you run monocolor(which you have to do late-game as you’re punished for diversity due to enemy damage outputs outpacing the mana you could gain from diversification and thus the effects and damage you could deal) and the balance of the game continues to simultaneously be better and worse.

Dungeon marks going away means you have no more reason to do more than the bare minimum for an event. Dungeons have been kneecapped because of this due to the fact that dungeon chests tend to not give you what you need.

Just like I+2’s other game, every update pushes you further and further into the bowels of the cash shop. I do not feel like my story progress will improve with this update, as nothing substantial for my main, the Shaman, seems to have been done other than ruining my green spell build. Thanks, ya bastahds.

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Reasonable criticism of things is fair but numerous people have begun playing even since some of the most recent updates and completed the story. Story progression is very feasible currently.


Do we have a date on when this update will be forced? I would like to choose the “never” option for as long as possible. XD


Now we get more gold than before, but we lost our gold sink so we will always be at max gold.


Easy mode really need to be easy. Sometimes I just want to play without having to think out every move. There is already a hard mode, why make easy mode difficult as well? My gear score is 750 and the the enemy score is 1200. That actually makes the fight rather difficult. Please put back an actual easy mode where I can play mindlessly.


@Tacet I play on bluestacks and updated. Now I can’t even get the game to load. Just a heads up since I think you are using an emulator, also. I even tried a fresh install.

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I’ve found a difficult issue that I need to report.

Previously, I tagged along on a party dungeon that was Tier X. I’m way too weak to complete that level dungeon. But, my party completed it and I was able to then buy level 100 chests.

Today’s new update has linked my completed dungeon tier to the event dungeon tier, meaning I literally can’t complete the event dungeons, making it impossible for me to obtain any marks.

Can I set my completed dungeon tier down to what it probably should be? I can’t possibly be punished like this for tagging along with a way stronger party months ago, right?

So the mana cost was raised with whichever update and now the mana intake is lowered… Plus I really have to calculate out which slot I put my spells in now.
I already have difficulty filling my spells at times. So regardless of the set bonus and potential damage increase this seems like it might push me over the edge to quitting. Guess we’ll find out when I’m forced to update!

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While an increase of 25 slots is helpful; does anyone actually find that it satisfies their concerns over inventory limitations?? Especially at higher levels/multiple characters.

I agree - we will likely be right back at the same place in 3 to 6 months. Of course this additional 25 is massively helpful, but in the end as we keep accumulating good (and situationally useful) gear, we will need to salvage other gear which we want to try and generate new builds with.

In several months, or maybe only weeks I expect to be salvaging again after every few fights. It is a very frusterating part of the gameplay loop.

Certain gear (in every single color - and even in duplicate) is still absolutely necessary in every single color for maximal rewards.

Hey Adventurers!

There has been some confusion around the changes to Challenges and Dungeons and Skirmishes.

I’ve updated the section under “Changes to Challenges, Dungeons and Skirmishes” to clarify.

Honestly it would be nice if you just made a level difficulty selector for dungeons and events. Grinding for gear before the update got me up to level 25, however my gear score is way below the difficulty everything is automatically set at now. I can’t even play dungeons on easy right now. Event dungeons are way above rank for me.

This update in essence broke the game for me. Until something changes the only things I can do is play a few PVP matches a day and maybe 1-2 skirmishes.

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Also unable to play on BlueStacks. And it seems to have corrupted my Cloudsave file… Also tried installing .37 via APK to downgrade. When I select update later it still asks me to download some files which then says “A new update for Puzzle Quest 3 is required to continue.” So it completely unplayable atm…

I’ve seen a few complaints about the difficulty so here’s my bit:
Played 6 Open Tourney games and just won 2 of them with a small amount of health. A couple of them I didn’t get remotely close to winning. EDIT: I now realize I have moved from bronze to silver with this update.
Then Events. Dungeon of Ice (3 Days) I got 3 turns the first try before dying then 2 turns before dying the 2nd try.

Image above was after 2 turns on my first try.

Image above was after one turn on my 2nd try.
Then on to Citadel of Fire (Daily Seige). Once again I only lasted 2 turns.

Image above was after my first turn.
I know you tried to shorten the event dungeons but 2 or 3 turns with no hope of winning anything. I much preferred the old ones. I can only assume there is some sort of bug here unless the idea is you can’t play these event dungeons until you are a very high level with lots of stuff upgraded… Or I just suck at organizing my own equipment for the level I am at :wink:

I’ve tried playing the Story Mode, Evelyn’s sidequest, Daily Challenge, Skirmish and Dungeon. I haven’t been able to complete a single one of them :frowning:


For one big shoutout positive change, the flash of bright light on chest opening is gone or can be skipped, HOORAY!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.