Update 2.0 Patch Notes

Great idea
It would also be nice for VIP level to have some value when you don’t have a current active VIP pass - maybe a little monthly thank you reward

Can pass on this feedback and see if there is anything in the works, for sure.

Like the idea of a little monthly gift for VIP ranked players, even if the pass itself hasn’t been purchased.

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I watch the VIP slots to see if there is something really solid for me there (glyph/t4 relic) with the intent to possibly purchase VIP. So far i have purchase VIP ONE TIME! At no other time have i seen anything to make it worth my $$$ :sleeping:

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That’s always been the issue with the VIP pass, and the recent pass upgrades made an awkward situation even more obvious.

In my observations, most players look at the passes in terms of “what can I get with this that either I can’t get elsewhere or is the best way to obtain some thing?”.

Right now, players see the passes via this lens as:

Season Pass: Season Mythic Relics
Quest Pass: Specific desirable Glyphs
VIP Pass: ???

The VIP Pass offers two big prizes: follower crystals and Armor Glyphs. But after the recent Quest Pass changes, players score more follower crystals more frequently via the Quest Pass, and players can specifically target Armor Glyphs monthly with the Quest Pass without waiting the 100 days it takes to earn Armor Glyphs in the VIP Pass. As a result, the VIP Pass no longer has any defining features to drive players to it, as it is not the optimum method to chase anything.

There’s two big spaces where the VIP Pass can shine, without infringing on the other two passes: perks and offers. Gems of War does this fairly well, currently.

Using my own account for both games:



Perks: VIP is like a concierge service. Players pay for VIP status for VIP perks. GoW has this, but PQ3 does not. The bonuses don’t have to be anything earthshattering (they aren’t in GoW in general), but IMO its at least something to say “hey, I have a perk”. It feels nice to have.

Exclusive VIP Offers: Gems has uncommon, but exclusive VIP only offers. PQ3 gives players two more rolls against the general offer pool each day, but nothing exclusive. The extra two rolls on the daily deal / guild bazaar boards don’t really qualify as “exclusive offers” in all but the broadest terms of the phrase. IMO, I think this is where VIP passes have the greatest opportunity to generate their own defining feature to bolster the passes’ desirability.

Lots of potential for improvement with VIP passes, hoping the future looks brighter for them.


Visibility issue: Header text on the revamped end-of-chapter Flash Offers can be very hard to read based upon the art background that text is displayed against.


From Ailile:

Hard graphic freeze, then crash.


  • PvP
  • Player is stunned.
  • Player has the Reflect buff up. (from Mirror Shield, if relevant)
  • Enemy cast a spell (in this case, Light Crash), reflects off the stunned player and dies from the reflected damage.

I had a similar experience (haven’t saved the error screen).
My items were guard’s shield, armor, gloves and pauldrons, and some weapon depending on the PVP tourney. I lost the token, but not the streak. The battle wasn’t registered on the last 20 battles screen.

Just to keep on asking: Any update on the topic of “Fixing Season Archives” making it into 2.1 yet?

Another thing, where an official announcement would be really helpful: We recently discussed in the KD / world chat the topic of upgrading gear/spells and came to the conclusion that without any more information on this matter, it does not make sense to invest resources until the “Gear & Spell Improvements” from the Roadmap (Spring → only one month left) hits the servers.

Because the Roadmap allows for some interpretation:

  • The resource system will be changed
  • The spell system (e.g., mana gain, mana usage) will change
  • The spell attributes (cost, effect of existing spells changes
  • The spell effects change in scaling
  • New spells are introduced with previously unavailable effects
  • The gear set system changes as well as the set effects / scaling
  • The gear attributes change in effect / scaling
  • New gear is introduced with previously unavailable effects / set bonus

→ usually, with such changes, you also scaled the enemies / changed the behavior, which means that the previously used gear/spell combinations suddenly stop working - in this case, it would be wise to stack up the Glyphs / Relics / … unless you also plan on changing the upgrade system as well?

So could you, @Jeto (or someone else), please post an update on the expected changes so that the players can decide to either sit tight on the resources or use them to have (more) fun in the game by equipping multiple characters? :slight_smile:


Well, it’s that time of the update cycle, the Friday before update week.

Is there a chance of a news post, patch notes, or blog coming out today before the weekend, or should we be expecting to wait for the update next week for news on the incoming changes with 2.1?

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2.1 is the next update. Update: I am following up on the patch notes to see how early we can get them out to y’all though

As for the roadmap, that thread is still locked as it is not finished. Once that’s all fleshed out there will be some more information available. But the team has been swamped with console submission, as mentioned in that thread.


Heya @Jeto,

Dunno if you have the analytics on your side to figure out what just happened, but Dragon’s Peak just experienced the old guild bazaar re-roll bug from a few updates ago.

@Lyrian where the deals changed in the middle of the day? Or a different issue?

Middle of the day change.

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Any error messages as well?
Or do you want to submit a ticket, might be easier - pop in as much information as possible, in case this is caused by something else or new

No one from the guild is claiming they saw an error code appear.

I don’t think anyone has any additional information to provide. It just kind of happened out of nowhere.

I’ve got your Kingdom data - so I’ll pass it onto the team to have a look at

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@Lyrian we found the cause of the issue, and a fix should go live in the next 24 hours to prevent this from happening again in future!

But shout out if after reset if anyone notices this again.

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No one in the guild can access Kingdom functionality after updating to 2.0.2.

White spinning circle of death for everyone.

@Lyrian just spinning, no error codes?


No hard freezes, just spins infinitely.
