Update 3.1 Patch Notes

It’s just normal crit chance, or I imagine the team would have called out Spell Crit in it’s own line :sparkles:


Up until now your opponent never got the minion vitality and power buff… Isn’t this change a bit unfair? We only get the buff/debuff power of minions but our opponent gets both that and the ridiculously overpowered spells.

If it works for both players then not a welcome change for me since it will just make PvP battles take even more time due to the debuffs :slightly_frowning_face:

Also, this would result in what @Lyrian mentioned of elite players going for absurdly high crit chances, so in the end a few ones would be not much affected while the rest would have it even worse. Not happy with the news at all.

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Do I see clearly that the minion change sends the 6-piece Warlord set that I also use to the floor with a KO in multiplayer mode?

Set I -Increase Power by max 2.25% for each Skull Gem on the board vs +2x20% power through minions (both mp sides)
Set II -Increase Critical Damage by max 80% vs 2 x max 250% reduction (opponent’s minion)
Set III-Increase Critical Chance by max 35% vs 2 x max 50% reduction (opponent’s minion)

How to calculate e.g. the 50% reductions
a) as percentage reduction: 35% crit chance -50%=17.5% -another -50%=8.75% or
b) as percentage points reduction: +35%-50%-50%= - 65%.

If point b) above is correct:

  • does it stop at 0% (and calculate only once - at start of the battle - so thus can be partially restored through e.g. the Find Weakness spell) or -65% and thus completely exclude critical weapon hits?
  • wouldn’t it be worth leaving some critical chance and hit for everyone, e.g. in such a way that the crit chance cannot decrease as a result of the reduction, e.g. under 10% and the critical dmg under e.g. 100%?

I know you can’t give any spoilers, but please swap relics out for their own thing (fossil/curio/artefact etc.) when evolving minions.

I’ve only got 2 legendary minions right now because they dropped from chests, I’m not wasting relics to evolve minions when gear is so much more important.

That said, if there’s going to be a minion version of a battle scroll, I’ll upgrade one minion to max it out (assuming we can grandfather it as we did the battle scrolls & L50 gear).

Although, now I’m wondering if it will be more like the spell book, with minions having their own version of spell pages to boost rarity…

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Update releasing in 2 hours :sparkles:


The update is being released to all platforms now!

@Jeto Weren’t we supposed to get an event tonight… Festival of Saviors?

Are you on 3.1 @KenpoKid69

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Event is up on 3.1.


No, not yet. Patch isn’t out for PSN yet.

Then it will not appear till you update :sparkles:

update takes time to roll out and populate

But once you update it is there


Nothing on Xbox either

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Sometimes, it’s the little things that bring a smile. Such as bringing back the resource counters on the Encounter loot screen. :relieved:

Yes, I have way too many shards. I feel sorry for the bean counter that has to maintain an accurate accounting of my shard collection.


Also of slight note in the screenshot: Festival is misspelled. Too trivial of an issue to correct?

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The Gong activity list on the home screen is glitching out when going to a submenu screen and then returning to the home screen.

EDIT: Some kind of loop issue that eventually bogs down the client until it softlocks from processor overload.

  • Is it all sub menus or only some?
  • On both your PC and mobile, or just PC?
  • Have you recently reverified your files (if PC)?

Snipped from Steam.

I’ll check Android and do the file verification on the Steam client.

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That appears to the culprit. One file failed to download correctly from Steam with the update. Re-downloaded the file and the issue is resolved. No issues with the Android download for 3.1.


Restart the game, For some reason when you check for update it doesn’t show up. But if you restart game you get the prompt to update. Nevermind, you get the prompt, but its not working.

Archive appears to still be on the old Ancient Coin system.