Update 3.1 Patch Notes

Yes, I played around with this … it looks as if this only happens only when you “enter” the adventure mode/screens with the “wrong hero” and try to start the next battle.

Whereas swapping hero when already in “adventure mode”, it gives the correct dialog box.

@Jeto Couple of us have noticed that our gear score has gone up. Any specific reason for this, is it the minions or something? Same loadout…

Before the patch

After the patch

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Dear @Jeto I would like confirmation on the following unnanounced change that has extremely upset me. And in this case I really hope the confirmation is “not intended, will fix it”:

Capping critical chance would be a huge nerf that would hurt tons of players, specially lower level ones that don’t have the extra stats and strenght to compensate for the lost criticals. It can well mean not being able to get the long awaited KD rewards for that newer player, or a Kingdom not being able to kill the dragon. So I really hope that since there was no warning or notice of this change, that means it is not intended. And if it is indeed intended… I would really want an explanation on why this has been considered proper and has been implemented without a single word to us.


Minions aren’t included in your Gear score, so far we also do see anything that was specifically changed in 3.1 - I’ll follow up again tomorrow when I’m back in

I’ll follow up on yours as well @HigureTheStillWind


As a result of the update, my 6-piece warlord set is in multiplayer mode

  • lost all my crit chance in a way that is
  • cannot be rebuilt: even after using the mythical find weakness spell three times (+30% crit hit chance), the crit chance remains zero.
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This update, on initial appearance, is a big thumbs up from me.

The ‘continue’ feature in the Adventure is a godsend. Admittedly I would still prefer it if we could skip the Rest & Recover screen (if we could leave Autoplay engaged it would solve this problem somewhat)……maybe have the cursor autosnap to “CONTINUE” on the R&R screen at the beginning of each Match/Round as it now reliably autosnaps to the lower right ‘Continue/Choice’ maybe?

Otherwise it runs much smoother and feels slicker now. Great work!

PvP also seems far better for me now. Players that could one-shot me with an Axe don’t seem to be able to anymore (yippee!!!) and I can still pull Crits off every match which others seem to be having a problem with?

It seems as though my Gear Score has increased, so whether or not that has anything to do with it or it’s the Minion debuffs in action, but my Hero definitely feels stronger in PvP.

The new Shop looks great also.

I’m sure I’ll find something soon enough to bitch about :smiling_imp: but definitely a good update for me. :+1:t2:


Yes…mine too has gone up 200 pts

Wait…so now my PVP builds that are built around crits are mute for the most part and my masteries are punished too?

When everyone is pretty much debuffed it just makes the matches longer and slower.

Guess people weren’t buying enough minion resources before…


So the reworks have made the game much more grindy, making being able to farm high level dungeons quickly quite necessary. And to “help” with this first the enemies get much more powerful spells and now you nerf critical chance, the best way to farm fast?

Today it has been a “great” day:

  • The PvP battles take now longer due to the debuffs
  • While doing the KD with my second account I have done around 25% of damage less due the “missed” criticals, against a level XX KD dragon that we struggle to beat.
  • Just right now doing a party my crit didn’t trigger so the enemy lived to cast their (non overpowered at all) spell of over 80k damage and killed me…

I will stop playing for today, because the more I play the more frustrated, upset and angry I get. And a game should be a source of enjoyment, not of frustration.


Followlng Higure I also confirmed a 80% cap on crit chance in battle mode!
This is a very, very huge change affecting 1. Hit results and 2 resources used
In my case I optimized my loadouts for trarg gloves (now mythic at hone level 6) and speed. Now this is totally devalued!!
Actual 80% crit chance cap I got before my modifications with twinblade (normal contribution about 50%), normal gloves and 1 or2 crit chance attributes.
I principally can understand the capping. But this is too much change in value and not considering the related gear property modification or compensation!!


Up until now, I always knew exactly which color gem in each of my builds was worth how many points, i.e. how many matches I had to achieve at least to fill my spell.

Now, in one match, my mastery decreases by this amount, and in another, by another amount. Then, at the bottom of my stat, I should check how much my mastery is in the given match, keeping in mind that, for example, a mastery of 536 is worth 13 or already 14 points… or rather, let’s forget the conscious game, let’s just match what we can, then will be what will be.


Can we please stop calling these patch notes since it’s obvious they are major game changes that hinder more than fix. Appreciate the QOL changes, but in reality it’s just fixing what’s been messed up.

We get it. You have to make money. Continuing to alienate players and their progress is not the way to do it.


Thanks for adding more console achievements!


Whatever @Swivel said - Thumbs up from me too and thanks for listening to the feedback everyone gives here. Looking forward to 3.1.5.


My 11 Open Tourney opponents from yesterday:

The screenshot was versus a human female paladin who I fought against shortly after updating, so I believe that is Lion Knight?

Screen grab is a mirror match against myself, so I’m going to take an educated guess and say this happened from the the player side creating Big gems at the start of the match and then converted to Dream gems by the opponent side’s Amulet of the First before Turn 1 starts.

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Until now we could find easily everything we could buy for any currency in the Shop.

Now we need to go 3 different places:

  • to the new Shop
  • to battles/events/one of the events/shop to reach the Marks shop
  • to battles/versus/honor shop to reach the Honor shop.

Hm. The old system was better imo.


The intention was to have them in the same place you earn them - so you complete an Event or a PvP battle and don’t need to exit out to the Shop to spend you Marks and Honor

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Thanks for the reply.
It would be great if we could earn enough at one time to be able to spend it immediately. In reality, I collect for weeks and then spend on the given day. In this system, it’s almost guaranteed that I’ll miss the day I want to spend my Marks.
In the past I always use the direct link from the old main shop to these little shops.
I think it would be useful if the offers of all 3 shops were still available in one place.

These little shops aren’t new. So I think the correct intention (seeing the result) is this: The intention was to have them in the same place you earn them AND NOWHERE ELSE.
They were there, they are there, it was great, it is great.
What am I missing is the direct link from the main shop to these little shops.


Following up on a few things still, so this is what I can update on & some items I am still waiting for more information - these only include things reported in this Patch notes thread, any other reports in their own thread should already have replied, updated titles or will get their own replied in their respective thread:

  • Player not affected by starting mana debuff
    • Reported to the team to keep an eye on, there is a chance their start mana stat is so high the reduction isn’t reducing enough - but they are investigating and keeping watch
  • Players reporting increased gear score since 3.1
    • So far there isn’t anything we implemented in 3.1 that wasn’t already in 3.0.1 but I will look into it further if the team has any more information to share - but this is a lower priority at the moment
  • Still chasing up the crit cap
  • Reported that Gem of Dreams Gem is getting a Big Gem number again

What about waking resting minions from food?
The functionality vanished now. Is it intentional?

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