For work like this, you could pay people in crowns.
The Marks → Spell Pages exchange in the Event Shop appears to not be working properly.
The exchange is telling me that I have no eligible spells left to craft…
… but Xione reports that she can still craft Class spells for me.
Is the Spell Page Event exchange locked to only universal non-Seasonal spells?
I think it should match whatever Xione can craft but I’m waiting for a reply from the team.
Currently it is only set to universal non-seasonal spells, and they are looking at making it universal and hero equipped spells.
Update to that last point: Appears it is not a simple addition to change around, so no ETA on when that will be updated.
Should the Poison Djinn be appearing in the Dungeon of Ice Event?
Looks like he snuck in - from the next event, all enemies should be the same colour as the event itself.
Shh, don’t say anything. I play with fire and enjoyed the easy kill
Question about Boss Rush, right now its just the two bosses, which is fine, But any idea if more bosses are planned on being added in the future?
Yeah currently it is just the two, and no info just yet!
I don’t mind that at all actually, since new bosses might mean more losses, its kind of a double edged sword.
One thing I forgot to mention is if the 200 chest thing happens at the end of the long path for Farm Girls day out, is it would sort of act as a replacement of sorts for Endless Dungeon adventures.
Shouldn’t there be a new boss added after Season 3.5 ends from whoever ends up being the final boss of Season 3 (regardless if it is or is not the tease from earlier in the year) ?
Same logic also currently applies to the weekly general shop offers for spell pages under Shop → Collectables → Spells
I’d guess it would be the end boss of 3.5, as the other two are the end bosses of 1.5 & 2.5.
Most likely yeah, makes sense
There is a Boss in 3.5, but they would not be added to Boss Rush until we get to see how everyone enjoys them and goes about defeating them - Yog & Scourge of Light were such awesome and tough battles, that they were an easy choice, so we don’t want to add a Boss that players think is uninteresting or an easy win
Lets make a topic when the time comes and we’ll all give you feedback on it for the team.
Scourge of Light is only one round though, it’s over too quickly.