Calculator for spell scrolls and their gem price

Hello, community,

In the beginning of March, I wanted to understand how many epic and legendary scrolls I need to upgrade all spells to legendary+ rarity.

On a sheet of paper I wrote down how many spells I had by rarity, and wrote the formulas to calculate how many scrolls I needed. Then I transferred this to a Google Sheet document.

In the beginning of April I decided to improve this document by entering each spell, and automate the count by rarity as well as other things.

Is the community interested in such a document? I can create a template for everyone to fill in and track their progress.

You can see below snapshots of the different sheets.
Available Scrolls Sheet
Purpose: you enter the scrolls you have in the highlighted cells.

  • Price column (Calculated) shows how much they are worth.
  • Remaining price (Calculated) shows how much gems you need (for the weekly offers in the shop) taking into account how many spells with relevant rarity you have.
  • Additional Scrolls Needed (Calculated) is a conversion of the previous column to scrolls.


Spell list
Purpose: This is the main sheet that contains all 154 spells. Values from here are used for calculations in the rest of the sheets.
All you need to fill in is the rarity that you have. The rest of the columns are either prepopulated or calculated.

Scrolls and Gems Pivot
Purpose: just to provide a breakdown of the scrolls count and price per color and rarity

Another pivot that I called “Per Hero”, but I feel it needs a better name.
Purpose: It is filtered to show non seasonal spells and Warlock spells because I wanted to track how many spells I have to upgrade for this hero and to better spend my available scrolls

Working with this sheet keeps me motivated to work towards my goal - upgrade all general and Warlock spells as much as possible. I am not focusing on a specific spell, so any spell page I get, feels very rewarding.

I “grind” hunts which helps my randomize dungeons and spell page drops.

Crafting with Darkhunter helps reducing the gem price that you see on the first sheet. Even if you use his 100 gem ability, it saves you 275 gems per crafted epic scroll and 650 per crafted legendary scroll.

P.S. For the list of spells I used the spell guide document provided by @Sibelios