[Fixed in 3.5] Cursor no longer auto-snapping in Adventure (Sushi Surprise)

Just a heads up @Jeto

The excellent QOL feature that was included for adventures whereby the cursor/pointer would auto-snap to “Continue” after the Victory screen in battles is no longer working. (PS5)

Also, when you have a choice to make (such as taking the lower route on the Sushi Surprise adventure for extra food), the screen no longer backs out to the adventure map to show the possible choices.

Only a small irritation, but it does now hinder the flow of adventure battles somewhat compared to what it was previously.

As a side note, there is still no way to “skip” the merchant in Sushi Surprise when taking the lower route. You have to make a purchase or you can’t continue the adventure. This error was also present in the last Sushi Surprise adventure we had.

Cheers in advance.


It seems like a great QoL, I hope you can get it back soon.

In my opinion this is a great new feature! We no longer have to go to the map to select from the choices, avoiding one extra click. I do find this improving the flow of the adventure.

There is a way, but pretty clumpsy: exit the merchant screen, click on the merchant icon and select skip. However, it would be better to have the skip button on the merchant screen itself.

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Okay that’s weird, I swear that the “Skip & View” buttons were missing whenever I clicked on the Merchant button before lol. It would take me straight to the purchase screen. Odd!

I much prefer for the screen to back out to the map as a visual cue to remind me to change to the lower route to gain the extra food reward. As it stands, especially with repeatable farming, it’s all too easy to just click on the Continue button after the Ur-Ghoul battle which, by default, takes you on the upper route whereby you miss out on the extra food per run.

I’ve done this too many times when my concentration wanders and it irritates me every time lol.

You can still auto snap by pressing the d-pad to the right. But I did prefer how it worked auto snapping to continue without pressing anything prior to Gong’s Sushi Surprise.

Also prefer not having to back out to the main map, unless you want to. I guess it could be an option perhaps, if that’s even a doable thing for the devs to do.


I think a better option, mainly for repeatable adventures, would be to have a “memory” option where you can either follow the default route or have it remember your last adventure route.

If this was a viable option then I’d be more than happy to never see the adventure map again. :yum:

Good call on using the right button as navigation to the Continue button in the interim though. :+1:t2:


Couple of things!

  • The team is looking at fixing the default selected button (Continue)
  • I passed on a QOL to also include the Skip option within the Merchant offers

Cheers again @Jeto ! :+1:t2: