[Investigating] Unable to Interact with Battle

I’m having the same issue as @radiantmemories451 when trying to play on IOS.

I’m on android and having the same issues as those above.

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to jump in and provide a quick update. This is still being looked into by the development team.

For those (not on PC) who have been experiencing this issue, could you please let us know the following;

  • What device model are you using?
  • What version of the OS do you have installed?
  • What are your gear sets/load outs that you have equipped when you encounter these issues?

This will be helpful information for the development team to help track down the cause.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

Here it is happening again on a level 100 skirmish. The board froze on the 2nd enemy so I force closed and the game continued with the battle. Then it happened again, I screenshotted it and force closed but this time it opened to the main menu screen and didn’t give me the rewards for finishing the battle (or letting me continue it)

What device model are you using?

Pocophone F1
What version of the OS do you have installed?
Android 10
What are your gear sets/load outs that you have equipped when you encounter these issues?

Spells: Has definitely happened with both spell sets.

(Hopefully you can remember what the actual gear items are from the little icons :wink: )

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I just had the same problem today, and it’s been happening a lot recently. One Plus 7T, most recent Android OS.

Any updates? This has been happening for over a month now and is really frustrating.

Hey all,

We haven’t still been able to reproduce this issue on our side to help locate the cause. The development team, as well as ourselves, are consistently looking into this, once we have an update on the issue we’ll let you know.

Thank you for your continued patience on this issue.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

Just do play throughs of season 1.1 in the archive. It seems to happen most on the Cave Worm fight in part 4 or 5. Click a lot on the screen trying to skip the sequences leading up to it and during the loading screens, as that seems to increase the chances of a lockup.

I’m surprised it can’t be reproduced at your development end. If I play long enough it will happen at least once a day to me. It’s not just the cave worm mentioned above, it still happens frequently on other opponents too in any game mode. Kingdom defense, Hunts, Archive, Current season and daily challenges. I personally don’t notice it happening more frequently on the cave worm, In fact there are others that I feel it happens more frequently on. Most of mine occur when I’m not tapping the screen and it happens with auto play enabled and the screen not being touched at all.

I am 99% sure it happens only with a killing blow. After force closing the game and loading it again you nearly always have to make the move again. On very rare occasions it will take you to the next opponent/chest open screen but this is very rare.

Interesting, mine almost always happens at the beginning of the fight. I have had it happen on the killing blow, but only ~5% of the lockups are in that manner.

I’m not sure how you’ve failed to reproduce this unless no one on the development team actually plays the game regularly? I’ve had it happen three times so far in the last 30 minutes, just working on my dailies. This is worse than usual, but it’s a very rare day when it doesn’t happen at least once during the dailies.

I originally thought that it only happened on killing blows but I’ve seen it happen mid fight as well. Would video footage of the bug help, or does dev just need to make it happen in their logging environment?

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Hey all!

The team are currently testing a fix for the soft locking on loading battle and the Gems disappearing also causing a soft lock! :sparkles:

At this stage, it shall be released with the 1.4 update

Thank you for sharing your reports and those who also sent player logs, also appreciate your patience while we have been investigating.

Jeto (she/they) - Support Human :woman_mage:t2: