Let's discuss the current state of chests and drop rates

Did you know that you can drill down on the Season drop rate table? The game gives zero indication that a player can do that, but the feature is definitely there. Some interesting data comes out of drilling down in certain random loot tables.

Most loot tables are evenly distributed across the random possibilities…

but not all of them…


Pretty darn sure these rates line up with general shard distributions rates when rolled, which normalize as (high to low):

Armor: 35%
Accessory: 25%
Spell: 20%
Minion: 15%
Weapon: 5%

The most expensive type of shard in the shop? Weapon, by far.

A shame evolution runes/scrolls are not in the Season drop tables. I’d bet a whole lot of worthless gold coins (until 1.2 lands) that Epic evolution runes/scrolls have intentionally repressed draw rates. As most of us know all too well, Legendary and Mythic runes/scrolls drop like candy out of high rarity chests, but Epic runes/scrolls drop much more rarely than their higher rarity counterparts.