Please double all limits/caps

The caps need to be reviewed in all cases:
Why is this resource capped?
What does capping it add to the game?

For equipment the storage limit actively puts me off wanting to play.
I am constantly bouncing off the cap, scrapping every single piece of new kit I find, or being forced to scrap an existing item it isn’t fun. Opening a chest from a daily dungeon, then having to go back to storage to scrap something just so I can play another battle. And what is this limit adding to the game?
The only glimmer of optimism here is that in a few updates after repeated feedback they have gradually raised the caps, but with 5 classes (more intended), 15 equipment sets (more intended), set bonuses and promoting different loadouts for different types of battles it is far too restrictive.

Food I’ll link to my recent post which collected other feedback on food. The cap just masks the problem that there is nothing to spend food on.

Ore by comparison is consumed by pretty much every crafter, yet is the slowest to generate after Adhakus got nerfed back in 0.36/37 which nobody wanted and has been painful ever since.

Gold initially appears to have loads of things to spend it on, but you quickly realise that gold is almost never the bottleneck - shards, relics and finally glyphs are the things holding you back, while gold is infinitely farmable. It should also be the easiest to introduce something else to spend it on that can be useful or improve the gameplay.

I’d love to know what the devs ideas were / are behind some of these areas, or why they don’t seem to react on 6+ months of feedback repeating the same points, but that kind of interaction and engagement with players is something I would only expect from an Early Access title.

One suggestion from a few of the past threads that I liked was to make more use of the Citadel. Make it upgradeable, so on the one hand it can be a sink for resources - somewhere to spend resources rather than waste them to an arbitrary cap, but also improve some aspect of the game from investing in it.
Invest in the mines and Adhakus can produce ore faster.
Invest in the fields so Brie can farm more effectively.
Invest in the various workshops so the crafters can have increased odds of better gear or double chance.
Invest in the Citadel to expand storage for equipment or any other limit.
Invest in new buildings - add a market to attract traders with random daily items to buy.
So many possibilities for things to expand it.

Or we could just keep scrapping every item we find, earn 0 gold because we’re on the cap, earn 0 food because we’re on the cap, add some more runes and scrolls to the mountain of them we’ve already got sitting idle as one of the 100+ currencies that rarely get used.