Season spells and gear

@Jeto hear me out please.

I’m end gamer and i have a lot of spells maxed and getting a rather large amount of spell dust.
Now what’s going to happen once i get them all ancient mythic?
Where and what will i put all that dust into?
I know I’m not alone at my level and place in the game.
Been playing almost 2 years.
Now as i don’t mind farming as it’s about the only thing left to do is go for spells and immortal my gear.
So i suggest that maybe, just maybe we can craft spells from the season. Maybe for double the resources as a normal spell?
Also the gear. It’s a pain. And opening quite a few hundred chests to come up with everything but what you need just is disappointing at the least.
So again for maybe double the resources and also you’ll need to own tge season but how about we have a way to craft season gear and spells.
I know you listened to us and put the archives in coop so i have hope that this may be possible in the future.
It’s worth a shot to bring it up and ask.
As always thanks for reading.
I’m excited to see what others think and possibly a response from @Jeto and the dev crew.


100% whole heartedly agree great idea and is desperarly needed espically with the absolute lack of endgame content


This feedback has been shared before - but I do not have any updates or new information

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I farmed the same season (2.0 in my case) dungeons for 2 months and didn’t get the desired gear item (mythic or even legendary). And I am not alone.

It is just wrong to daily play and/or loot with tickets and not to get an item during 60 days. And then I miss another item from a different season. More months of desperate battling and opening thousands of chests?..

Need some deterministic way to craft season gear, without relying on luck (misluck in my case).


Currently, the situation is that the crafters cannot craft items from “premium” Seasons, only the free Story section of the game.

Do I believe this restriction will be eventually lifted? Yes. However, not until a power creep expansion arrives that imposes an equally restrictive requirement on Season gear (essentially, allowing the devs to release one painful restriction [Season gear crafting] for an equally painful new Season restriction).

Power creep expansions tend to occur with each new Season. The latest round starting rolling out in 3.0 (the Gear Rework) and finished rolling out in 3.1.5 with the Follower update. The next update ends Season 3, which will be followed up with the start of Season 4 in the following update.

Perhaps, in Season 4, the power creep advancement for the year will allow the devs to unlock base gear crafting for Seasons. I’ve got some ideas/expectations on how and why that could happen, but I’d very likely get tarred, feathered, and dunked in boiling oil for publicly giving the devs some very bad ideas on this.


While that’s certainly, true. They can still turn seasonal legendary and epics into mythics by refining. While this is a bit pricey to do, its not too difficult anymore either because of the gems and relics and resources the game gives you. Gems and mythic relics in adventure and glyphs in Event and the Shop. The hardest part of the process ironically is just waiting on the ore to use to make it.

While the price may seem steep on paper, its really not that bad anymore with what we’re getting now. I think we can all be a bit looser with spending our gems, then we were in the past when resources weren’t so easy to come by.

The biggest issue I see are the cache items. I think Jeto’s suggestion of using the season gear to give you a mid refine of 20% is a somewhat brutal, but fair and elegant solution to the problem. You’d still have to work harder to completely upgrade a cache set, but it becomes very doable if all the set pieces for that season help to refine it.


Where this 20% solution was discussed? Just interested to read the thread.


I prefer as solution to get a granted item, after x-tries, which also limits bad streaks on the seasonal caches:
Utimate: 20x, 4000 AC => legendary special item
Advanced: 30x, 3000 AC => random seasonal mythic (like shop for non-seasonal)
Normal: 40x, 2000 AC => legendary of free choice (like goldpass)

That’s basically why we have the crafting system and aether now. For non seasonal, you can let the aether build up and then craft what you need. For seasonal you can settle for a legendary or epic and turn it into a mythic through refining. The crafting process helps to mitigate unlucky streaks.