Newbie with questions

Been playing PQ3 for a couple of weeks. For such a simple game, the details are pretty confusing. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

  1. At first I was wary of upgrading too freely because I wasn’t sure if I’d need those shards/relics/scrolls/etc. for something more important later. But it seems that each shard/relic/scroll/etc. does only one thing, so there’s not much point in hoarding them. Is this good reasoning?

  2. Upgrading/evolving doesn’t seem to be very powerful in this game. Upgrading gear or minions increases their stats by 1-2%, barely noticeable. I can’t tell what I have gained in upgrading a spell from Common to Uncommon. Upgrading Eveline and Toragon give benefits only every ten levels. Should I wait for better gear/minions/spells/followers and focus on upgrading those rather than leveling up the early stuff from Poor to A Bit Less Poor?

  3. I’m too new to do well in PvP, but I’d still like to improve my scores. When fighting a level 50 character, I always get one-shotted, yet there’s a big discrepancy in my score. Sometimes I score in the 100s and sometimes in the 300s, yet I’m not doing anything noticeably different. Can anyone explain this?

  4. I have four spell slots, but opponents in PvP have only two. Which two of my spells are used when defending in PvP? Is it the first two, the two highest level, or something else?

  5. When trading in honor/season rewards/marks, can I assume that the offers are stable and no new items will appear? In other words, is there any reason to save up for better trade-ins later?

Rare and Epic relics are easily obtained, so don’t worry about spending those.

The same for uncommon runes. Rare runes can be a small bottleneck at the beginning and when you want to hone lots of gear pieces with PvPs, but not too bad. Epic runes are pretty scarce, so try to use them mostly for the gear you are sure you want to use.

Shards are also easily obtained, so make sure you use them to upgrade your Spell Book and Battle Scrolls. You can experiment with different classes before you decide which one you want to make your primary class and pour all resources in it.

Uncommon, rare and epic scrolls are a major bottleneck, so make sure you prioritize the spells you need before using them on others. I would suggest not using scrolls to upgrade minions, you will probably need all of them for spells.

Upgrading followers only requires food, so even if it better to focus first on the most important ones you will end up upgrading all of them.

As I said before, save scrolls for the spells you will really want to use. The best minions at the beginning are the ones with high cunning, so you can focus on those (but I advise against using scrolls to evolve them). When you salvage a honed gear you get back the resources, so you don’t need to think too hard when honing.

The final score you get in PvP depends first on the opponent (each ones gives a different amount of points) and second on reaching certain scoring goals (the turn one has changed but the rest remain):

I am not sure how the score when being defeat is calculated, but I guess the differences depend on the score given by the opponent and/or on any goals obtained.

The spells that are used by your character when defending are the ones given by your 2 minions

The honor and season reward offers are stable. The mark offers change daily: you always have the food and shards offers, but the first ones change daily (for example spell pages on Thursdays, follower crystals and relics on Saturday…).

The best offers to spend honor on are follower crystals and glyph offers that appear from time to time in the bazaar of kingdoms with high bazaar level. The best offers for marks are mythic relics with diamond marks and follower crystals with wooden marks (both on Saturdays). In the case of seasonal currency it depends, but getting mythic relics in archive seasons is always a great purchase (and you can convert currency from current season into ancient coins to do the archive purchases).

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Additionally, you can check the New Player Guide if you want more info on different aspects of the game. It is a work in progress, so it will take some time until some aspects are also covered but there should already be quite a lot of useful information :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for the comprehensive answers! This is very useful information. I did read the New Player Guide, it’s the only reason I don’t have more questions right now. :sweat_smile:

I’ll see if I can figure out the PvP scoring discrepancy. Against top-level opponents, I only last one or two rounds, not nearly enough time to win big bonuses, certainly not enough to triple my score. I didn’t think the opponents’ starting scores (at level 50) varied so much, but I haven’t paid very close attention.

From what I have seen, the score when killed depends on the following:

  • You get a base score equal to the points given by the enemy divided by ten.
  • You get extra points if you have done damage to the enemy
  • The score bonus is applied.

For example, when dying against an enemy giving 2706 points on 2nd turn without doing anything I got a score of 284, which is equal to 2706 / 10 x 1.05 (a +5% bonus due to the turn bonus). Against the same enemy dying in 2nd turn but doing some damage to them I got over 300.

This can change quite a low, I have been paired against opponents giving less than 2k and more than 3k points on the same pairings. Here you see some differences on opponent points, although not so big.

In my main account the differences can be much greater, from below 3k to above 6k.