Update 1.5 Patch Notes

Hi @Jeto, I honestly don’t understand this answer in regards to the issue that was created in Update 1.5 with scoring. As we have detailed, the issue is that turn 1 wins via skulls generate a higher score than generating mana in turn 1 to power spells and then having to wait until your next turn (which is turn 3 vis-a-vis scoring) to potentially defeat the enemy. With the elimination of chip damage (which would have possibly given you a similar timing win condition as skulls) and the change in starting mana, that means the only viable strategy to maximize scoring is a build/matchup that relies on starting board skulls to defeat your enemy. This result simply shifts the previous issue of a narrow maximizing score win condition from one build (starting match with full mana spells) to another build (items which maximize the number of potential skulls on the staring board).

Can you explain how your response addresses this issue?

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