Why Massive Inventory Limitations?

Well, it finally happened. I’m done.

I had posted in the .37 feedback about 3 game breakers that needed to be addressed in the next update.

The storage issue is so bad and so in-your-face on a constant basis, that a real solution needed to be provided. The recent +25 storage as an attempt to fix the massive inventory issue was a stupid idea proposed by someone who is not playing the game and does not understand the problem. It should have been implemented back on October 5th when @OminousGMan posted below as a temporary fix while the real solution was developed.

Hey Devs, go back up to my original post if you need some ideas for real solutions or to help get the creative juices flowing. Regardless, it’s not my problem anymore.

I will throw a little bit of credit toward the Devs for some effort made on helping to address the other 2 Game Breakers. Don’t confuse “credit for effort” with addressing the issue. They say they shortened the Events in an effort to provide time savings. That’s at least effort and acknowledgement of an issue. However, they didn’t do anything about animations or a speed toggle, so almost every other aspect of the game is unchanged. They also nerfed Dungeons so much, they sound pointless… unless that’s where you have your best chance to get high rarity gear, in which case I suspect you’re now going to be required to farm dungeons and skirmishes (it’s speculation, but sounds like a possible time add).

Best effort award goes to addressing “Lack of targeted Progression paths”. Offering glyphs and shards for Marks is a noticeable improvement in my opinion. Although glyphs are still full random, and the shards only target rarity and not type, it’s still better than having no targeted offerings by a pretty good margin. I have no idea how generous Events will be when rewarding Marks, but I assume it will feel very limiting once current stockpiles are exhausted.

I think the overarching issue that is pushing me away though is the perceived distance between the Devs and the game they are developing. It really doesn’t seem like they play the game they are developing.

That means they don’t see the problems we see or feel the frustration associated with those problems. That leaves them to prioritize development time in ways that don’t make sense to the community… and that will never change. They don’t hit that “Your Gear Vault is overflowing!..” message 50 times a day and have to back out of whatever they were in to go deal with that. They aren’t trying to compete in PVP against players that are pulling down 2500 scores in different masteries, with different weapon requirements. They aren’t trying to build different gear setups for all hero classes, so they don’t understand how long it takes to get the right item and level that item, nor do they understand the challenge that inventory limitations cause. They are not in an active Kingdom, so they don’t care AT ALL about the frustrations associated with Kingdoms. They haven’t played the game for 3 hours straight in an attempt to farm something specific like Major Weapon Shards and walk away with 0, or spent a week farming for 300 Major Armor shards and only getting 55. They haven’t spent the time to beat a dungeon at difficulty X to get rewarded a chest that gives only Gold and Food, which are both maxed. They haven’t watched 1000 chests reward Food instead of something else that’s actually needed, while Food is maxed and there is nothing to spend food on. They haven’t dealt with Gems as a scarce resource representing your time/money and invested it in Events, only to end up with a game crash that makes you take a Gem loss for the event. They haven’t experienced 10 game crashes in a single day of playing PQ3, so it’s nothing more than a “Bug Report” in the forum to them… which they don’t deal with anyways. The list goes on, but I think the point is made.

Good luck to those who remain. I’ll miss the Community most. Take Care.