Update 2.5 Patch Notes (+2.5.1 fixes)

Update: PS4 and PS5 should now both have 2.5.1, so if you are locked out of your Kingdom you just may need to update to the new latest version :sparkles:

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Kind of annoying I’m locked out of tourneys too. No way to do all the matches now in time.

The update should already be available, as we released it early for PS4 as well. If not it will be very soon.

Its available now, but it forces you to update and you can’t do according to the description anything online which also seems to mean you can’t do tourneys. Annoying when you’re trying to rush the remaining 22 tourney matches but have to wait on a 30 minute patch to download, would have done it after the daily reset if given the choice.

Are the spell page changes included in the hotfix?

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2.5.1 fixes and QOL’s have been added above, look out fo this banner, underneath the 2.5 Known issues!

The spell changes, as Morgs mention will be coming later (if you are referring to this post). We will announce them as soon as they are live or if there is any updates!

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Ok, so they are not live yet. Just trying to get in front of the questions I am going to be asked on this.

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No, we will announce that one pretty explicitly once they have been changed - likely in it’s own new thread or within one of the relevant ones.


@Jeto it must just be an extremely random coincidence having three consecutive days of no coin purchases.

I’ll find out what the new day brings in just over 20 minutes! :slightly_smiling_face:

As a side note, it’s so nice to have the level and element information visible again for Gear and Minions after the PS5 update. I truly missed that.

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Does not seem to be fixed.


Looks like this should be resolved in the next tournament - seeing as this one was currently active while the hotfix released!
Or in the current tournament, it may require the opponent to increase their point value first, and then it should update.


It looks like it does go away after they upgrade and you fight them again. So next tournament should be better, thanks.


I don’t think the spell for marks purchase system is currently viable. Our newer players are struggling to improve their spells and the current prices are way too high to be useful for them. For example: The Event pays a maximum of 13 wood marks per fight, if every fight paid only wood (which of course it doesn’t) it would take the results of 7 days of playing in order to purchase ONE page. I don’t think that’s a fair exchange of effort for reward.

In my opinion, the following changes would be useful: 1. Continue with random pages and sell them SUPER cheap, at least 10 pages per wooden mark, minimum. After all there are 152 spells, the player getting what they need is a long shot at best. 2. Charge one wooden mark per page and the player gets to choose the spell. Higher level marks would need to be leveled appropriately, iron would be 25 pages random and 5 pages specific per mark. Golden 50 pages random and 15 specific per mark, etc.

Either or both methods could work to add interest and excitement to the game which is sorely needed right now.


Head’s up!

Been seeing this a lot since 2.4, but an awful lot in 2.5/2.5.1…

Funny thing though, this error message only shows up on Steam. Fairly suspicious that on mobile (at least on Android), this issue results in the game hanging on the loading screen for 30+ seconds until the connection to the servers ends up eventually being restored.

And the game can’t restore the connection by the 5th retry, then it just hangs forever and requires a force quit and restart.

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This error, looking into it for another player - is something to do with an asset failing to download
If you can send through your player.log when this appears next in a ticket I can grab it and pass it along to the devs to look into further

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Yeah. I powered through all of Season 2.5, Chapter 2 eventually through all of the connection error messages, but the game really did not want to load up any scene that featured Delphi in it.

Took me awhile to remember where the player.log file was (it’s been awhile!), but Ticket #134024 has been posted with the log attached.

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@Jeto did you guys up the attack strength of KD dragons? I’ve been insta-killed 5 times since the update, and almost never pre-update. Other members of my kingdom have had the same thing.

Pretty sure PSN players haven’t gotten their spell fix compensation yet? Any idea when this is supposed to happen?

For a future update it would be really nice if we could have the ability to swap or convert Glyphs as you can for Relics with Eveline (without a ridiculous cost for the process….free would be better :sunglasses:).

I’ve got a load of Weapon Glyphs that are sitting there unused which would be much more useful if they were Spell Glyphs.

Just a thought.