2024 R&D/Coming Up (previously called Roadmap)

Dear @Jeto, @Kafka, Developers, Managers, Maintainers, Producer, … :slight_smile:

In 2022, you published a 2022 Road Map in the May Community Update. Last year, you went further, providing a Birthday Stream and later the 2023 Road Map, which provided a good outline on your ideas for upcoming major changes and the priorities. In the Fall Community Blog from September 2023, you posted more information on R&D and upcoming changes and we are currently seeing some of it going live: The Gear & Spell Rework, Versus/PvP Update, Map changes, etc.

It would be great to get a new update on the future scope and your plans for 2024 in a similar way as you did in the Fall Community Blog. Also, it would be good to know where the items touched only slightly in the Blog (but mentioned in previous posts) are in your priority list :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

From the 2023 Roadmap might still be open:

  • Tavern Update
  • Goals & Task Rework
  • Hero Improvements

The following note from the Birthday Stream Recap:

  • As chests are slowly being removed, will Kingdom crest rewards change from rewarding Keys to another resource such as Marks?
    • This is highly likely, yes. We don’t want to leave you with stuff you can’t use.

Other items include: